An Illinois police officer shot and killed a black woman who called for help in her home

Shawn GraysonAn Illinois deputy sheriff has been fired and charged with murder Shoot Sonya Massey in the faceA young woman who called the police for help because she suspected there was an intruder in her home.

The 36-year-old woman was unarmed in the kitchen of her home. When two agents pointed the gun at him, Grayson opened fire, seriously wounding her, as was revealed when his body camera recording became public.

Ben Crump, an attorney representing the victim’s family, condemned the incident, saying “While nothing can undo the brutal actions of this officer, We hope the scales of justice will hold him accountable. And we will demand transparency every step of the way.”

Illinois police fired Grayson after finding that his actions did not follow proper protocol.”With our badge we accept a great responsibility, and if that responsibility is abused, there will be consequences“, The police force indicated in a statement.

The widespread social impact of the incident caused Illinois Governor JB Pritzker to speak out on the matter. “My heart breaks thinking about Sonya’s children, her family and her friends and all the people who knew and loved her, and I am angry that yet another innocent Black woman lost her life at the hands of a police officer.“, They said.

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