An osteopath explains a simple exercise you can do at home to help ease back pain: ‘Feel the relief.’

He Backache It can be very annoying and uncomfortable and also affects a large part of the population for various reasons. The scientific journal The Lancet noted that low back pain will be the next pandemic after analyzing more than 30 years.

The publication warns that the number of cases In 2050, there will be 843 million people worldwide. and the two main reasons are population growth and aging.

However, common back pain is also influenced by other factors, many of which are related to lifestyle. For example, the accumulation of hours spent sitting in front of a screen in static positions, lack of movement and physical activity, inappropriate efforts and loads, muscle tension, lack of sleep…

Because of the large number of factors that can cause this disease, many people try to cure it. Because it depends on the case and always under the supervision of professionalsIt might be helpful to do some different exercises.

Simple Osteopathic Exercise for Back Pain

In this sense, Pablo Iglesias, an osteopath and personal trainer, has recommended through his networks “decompression exercises” that he recommends “do morning exercises” and cope with pain.

To do this, use a door. Extend your right leg, placing your toes on the frame, and extend your left leg back.

The next step is to grab the door frame with your left hand and twist your torso so that you can move your right hand over your head until it reaches the wall. At this point, according to this osteopath and trainer, “feel relieved” against back pain.

  • Lean your back against the door frame

  • Lower it a little

  • Extend your right leg forward, placing your toes on the frame.

  • Stretch your left leg back

  • Take the frame with your left hand

  • Turning the barrel

  • Move and extend your right arm along the wall.

This exercise Quick and easy, which can be done in the shortest possible timeHowever, back pain can affect different areas and have different causes, so it is always recommended to trust the professionals for diagnosis of the causes and immediate recovery.

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