Analysis of Silent Hill: The Short Message, bad PE student

You can kill a person, but not an idea. Whether we like it or not, Hideo Kojima changed the Silent Hill saga forever. Although Konami no longer wants to know anything about the developer and has carried out Order 66 against PT, the game it presents to us today would not exist if it weren’t for that project that ended in divorce. Silent Hill: A Short Message the first part of the series in almost a decade and this shows that it is not enough to have a source of inspiration, but even to draw from your references, you must know. Otherwise, you risk drowning.

Explain our problem with Silent Hill: The Short Message We have to talk about its origin (or, what is the same thing, PT) and explain why we are fascinated by it. Teaser for the Silent Hills project prepared by Guillermo del Toro, Hideo Kojima and Norman Reedus.

There were many reasons. First, brilliant level design. The game was barely a hallway that we walked down again and again, but it managed to be memorable and better usable than many oversized open worlds. The second is photorealistic graphics and a terrifying setting. Fears, suggestions and dread.

Thirdly, the imagination and ingenuity shown in his puzzles. And the fourth exciting story which forced us to sit on forums and social networks for several days in search of theories and answers. Several years before Hideo Kojima suggested we “connect the world” in Death Stranding, he had already brought us all together to try to figure out PT.

To the one, that Kojima’s master class The event was attended by many students and some of them went off with flying colors and honored their teacher years later. This is the case of Resident Evil and the finger demo or the magnificent Madison and Visage. But they were the creators of Silent Hill: The Short Message. they should have sat in the last row And they must have been chatting, not taking notes.

This delivery insists that the resurrection will be in the first person or there will not be one and offers to go through another maze of narrow corridors and compressed duration (two hours), but that’s where any other similarities to PT end.

It’s not just that this new chapter’s graphics are underwhelming and the setting lacks punch, but the narrative and mechanics couldn’t be more interesting at the same time. simple and classic. You walk in a straight line, opening doors and reading notes. The study has no other incentives or dangers. This does not work neither a walking simulator nor a horror game.

Puzzles have been replaced with chase like Outlast 2but they are so funny that we apologize in advance to the friends of Red Barrels for the comparison (special mention to the last phase, one of the worst designs we’ve ever seen).

It’s as if the project was betting on everything. his story of bullying and suicide, which features a large number of full-length (terribly acted) videos. We don’t doubt the plot’s good intentions, but it’s predictable and It has the subtlety of a Tyrannosaurus rex.. Stilted, cumbersome and with memorable characters and dialogue.

After all, the only thing you can redeem in the game is monster design what haunts us soundtrack (two areas in which Akira Yamaoka collaborated, what a coincidence) and of course the price. Silent Hill: A Short Message It’s completely free.

The game will be one year exclusive on PS5 and you have to accept it for what it is, Konami Proving Ground train its young talent, test new concepts and ideas for use in future releases and maintain the brand’s position in the minds of fans. A demo version that many developers will keep for themselves and which serves as a convenient smoke bomb before the remake of Silent Hill 2its controversial appearance and lack of a release date even at the moment.

They say you shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth, but when you’re given a thoroughbred horse like Silent Hill, the last thing you expect is for it to limp and trip over unseen obstacles. The Short Message wanted to be a kind of PT, but the only thing it successfully copies from it is the first-person camera. It’s not scary, there are no interesting mysteries and there is one of the most ridiculous chases in history. Despite its good intentions, it’s just as flat and predictable on a narrative level as it is on a control level. It doesn’t work as a walking simulator or horror game. And all this covers up the fact that all that remains of Silent Hill is the name (and you can be grateful to it, because otherwise it would be no different from a large number of indies of this genre). Little can be salvaged from this unforgettable experiment, which makes us think about another adage: much ado about nothing. It may be preferable not to announce millions of parts of the saga and release only those that live up to its legacy.

The best

  • It is free and translated into Spanish.
  • Monster design and sound design (both created by Yamaoka).


  • The last chase.
  • It couldn’t be simpler, shorter or more predictable.
  • The story points to a good theme but is poorly executed.

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