Andalusia launches plan to eradicate viral hepatitis by 2030

The Junta of Andalusia presented Andalusian strategic plan to combat viral hepatitis 2024-2030. (PEAHEP)program whose goal is eradicate all five viral hepatitis (A, B, C, D and E) by 2030. The Minister of Health and Consumer Affairs, Rocio Hernandez, was responsible for presenting the details of this plan at a professional conference held in Seville. This plan, approved by the Government Council in July 2024, is innovative in Spain. the first to combat all hepatitis variants within one strategy.

The PEAHEP program is consistent with the goals of the World Health Organization (WHO), which aims to eliminate viral hepatitis as a public health threat by 2030. WHO has proposed reducing the number of new infections by 90 percent and reducing deaths from these diseases by 65 percent. all over the world.

During the presentation of the Plan, Hernandez emphasized that this strategy occurs in response to the high prevalence and burden of viral hepatitis in the region. In 2023, 621 new cases of viral hepatitis were reported in Andalusia, distributed among different variants: 72 hepatitis A, 79 hepatitis B, 393 hepatitis C and 77 other hepatitis. The majority of these cases, 71.3 percent, affect men, and the most affected age group is 45 to 65 years old.

Since one Most of the Andalusian population is unaware of their infectionthe plan aims to address the high rate of latent infection among these people. This ignorance contributes continuous transmission and progression of the disease to more serious stagessaid Director General of Public Health and Pharmaceutical Regulation Jorge del Diego.

New treatments

The development of new treatments is important for the treatment of viral hepatitis. Direct acting antivirals (DAAs) against hepatitis C have demonstrated high efficacy, as have hepatitis A vaccines and B and prevention strategies for hepatitis E and D. These treatments not only improve patient health, but also significantly reduce the risk of transmission by eliminating active infection in treated patients.

Five strategic directions

He Strategic plan It is formulated in five key lines. The first one is focused on health promotionPromoting health education to promote healthy habits among the population. The second line is dedicated prevention and diagnosisto strengthen immunization against hepatitis A and B and increase early detection of hepatitis C.

The third line is looking for protect consumers by reducing the risk of infection through contaminated food, especially in cases of hepatitis A and E. A One Health approach is being used to improve surveillance of these diseases.

In the fourth line, the plan is aimed at facilitate access to antiviral treatment hepatitis B, C and D, especially among vulnerable groups. One-step diagnosis will be used for hepatitis C, and the same approach will be extended to cases of hepatitis B and D.

Finally, the fifth line prioritizes improvement epidemiological surveillance in Andalusia. Detection systems will be strengthened to provide more accurate data and more effective preventive measures.

PEAHEP also includes two transverse lines centered on educationinnovation and investigation. Training of health care professionals will be encouraged to improve the treatment of these diseases, as well as research into new treatments and control strategies.

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