Anne Hathaway and Zendaya are back in casting for Christopher Nolan’s upcoming film
Casting for another Christopher Nolan film “C’étoffe”. Actresses Anne Hathaway and Zendaya will also join Tom Holland and Matt Damon on the film’s poster, which will be released in 2026.
If you don’t know how to encore intrigue and plot, then casting is a deja for everyone. Christopher Nolan’s upcoming film, scheduled for release in July 2026, will reunite Anne Hathaway and Zendaya. Matt Damon and Tom Holland’s participation will be announced in October.
Matt Damon has changed his direction towards Christopher Nolan Interstellar etc. Oppenheimer. Just like Anne Hathaway, who toured with Nolan for two performances, in The Dark Knight Rises in 2012 and at this age Interstellar deux ans plus tard.
Read the futurists or the history of vampires
Salon is confident in the mediaThis film is reminiscent of the story of a father and his son’s son. Il se pourrait too, Selon d’autres Mediaswhich this opus is a futuristic reading or encore of the history of vampires existing in the years of 1920.
This will be the first collaboration between British director Tom Holland and Zendaya. The tour will debut in 2025.
Christopher Nolan’s latest film. OppenheimerIn theaters on July 19, 2023, I was a huge success, grossing $977 million in recipes. I filmed it later September Oscar statuettes “Not the cages of the best film, the best developer and the best actor.”