Are you always sick? Science explains why

So, since we know that during winter He There is usually an increase in infections We have to wonder why this is happening even more frequently after the Covid-19 pandemic.

On the one hand, there is the possibility that there will not necessarily be more cases of human infection. sick around us, but we just notice it much more now than before. And before the pandemic, there were many precautions and precautions that we did not take into account when avoiding infection. For example, eating healthy, using masks, ventilating indoor spaces and avoiding contact with infected people… which can make us much more aware when someone is infected. sick and we want to protect ourselves from this. For example, have you noticed that when a person sneezes or coughs How many people in some place turn away or even feel uncomfortable? It’s a habit that we get used to over time. pandemic and, to be honest, this has never happened before.

It is enough to remember that before pandemicpeople came to offices with flueven if they were intense and without serious precautionary measures avoid infections. However, now, with the changes in mentality that pandemicthis is more often than if someone sick Whether you are away and working virtually or in person, take certain precautions with others. So if someone sickeveryone will probably notice and wonder, “What are you doing here with such a cold?”

Moreover, the fact is that virus are now more powerful as a result of several factors, including global warming, advances in medicine, and the ability pathogens adapt to new conditions and mutate. But there is also a theory according to which, due to many years isolation due to pandemicour body has forgotten how to deal with threats, since during isolation it did not encounter them, and that is why the body feels worse. consequences of diseases Now. According to Louis Ostrosky, a physician and chief of infectious diseases and epidemiology at UTHealth Houston and Memorial Hermann, ” immunity in relation to many of virus the ones that make people sick don’t last that long. “This means your body has some immune debt that it needs to make up.”

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