Argentine Congress postpones vote on Miley’s major project amid incidents between protesters and police

Xavier Miley got relief International Monetary Fund (IMF):$4.7 billion, which will be used partly to pay the organization. The far-right government’s joy remained unfulfilled as the Chamber of Deputies postponed until this Thursday the vote on the omnibus law, which the President needs like air. The approval of this regulation is likely to achieve what is at stake conferring special powers on the Parliament itself, The debates were tense and lasted about 12 hours. Outside the venue, security forces repressed protesters who reject the announcement of a project that seeks to fundamentally transform the economic, social and cultural life of this country.

The initiative, which is the other side of the coin of Miley’s ambitious Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU), seeks to minimize the role of the state, promote unrestricted control of all activities, and favor the concentration of large groups. Is. Increases penalties against participants in economic and social protests, makes environmental protection more flexible and creates conditions for dismantling the educational system. At the time of the parliamentary discussion, about 200 firefighters and civil protection personnel were working overtime to contain the blaze, about 1,750 kilometers south of the city of Buenos Aires. The fire has already destroyed 2000 hectares of land. The disaster began in Los Angeles National Park. The flames destroyed a native forest. It has been reported that this incident was done deliberately and allegedly for imaginary reasons. If omnibus legislation is approved, which substantially softens environmental legislation in favor of economic activities, these situations could be repeated.

The ruling party believes it has enough votes to approve the omnibus legislation and get it passed in the Senate immediately. However, events outside the legislature behind closed doors had a deterrent effect. The delegates agreed that it was better to go to the intermediate room. The government has not liked this bracket.

The brutality of uniformed officers against protesters surrounding Parliament added a moment of concern to the debate. ,The police do not stop suppressing and beating people. While I was lying on the floor, they beat me with sticks and kicks,” condemned leftist leader Eduardo Beliboni. According to the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, deputy to Myriam Bregman, “Pretend to justify the law.” Another deputy, Alejandro Vilca, was attacked by a gendarme. A week before the debate in Congress, in front of the same legislature, a crowd convened by the labor movement had also expressed their opposition to the project.

obstacles in the way

“Dialogue” protest The centre-right announced that it would generally approve of the initiative, but was preparing to question several articles of the text promoted by the executive. However, the newspaper noted NationThe government may face a serious setback, especially as debates over every aspect of the omnibus legislation, including its context, take place. privatization of public companies, “Another source of conflict that has not yet been resolved is that of the delegated powers that the executive branch wants to assume for itself for one year, with the possibility of being extended for another year.”

Of the 664 articles of the original project, the ruling party resigned about half in order to gain the support of its circumstantial allies. In the midst of the debate, other changes and deletions were added, which Peronism points out, do not affect the core of the initiative.

The Radical Civic Union (UCR) decided to support a large part of the omnibus legislation. Some of its legislators decided to distance themselves from this alliance with the extreme right. “While we are discussing in this room, a pensioner, despite working all his life and contributing to the exchequer, cannot buy his medicine today. A mother cannot feed her children Because the price of food is impossible,” said Facundo Manes. “Despair is increasing day by day in Argentina, President Miley campaigned on the promise that adjustment would be made by caste, and one of the first things he did when he came to power was to surround himself with caste and impose a forceful and brutal adjustment on the middle class, popular sectors and the United States. working class.” And he added: “Don’t count on us for extraordinary powers,

IMF and Tinder

Street scenes dominated television screens and portals, pushing the IMF announcement into the background. Its officials had approved the quarterly targets of $44 billion debt repayment plan The country took this five years ago during the government of magnate Mauricio Macri. That obligation was renegotiated by the Peronist president Alberto Fernandez. The financial organization said the transferred resources “will serve asSupport for strong political efforts Appointment of new officials to restore macroeconomic stability and get the program back on track.

According to Kristalina GeorgievaMiley, the IMF’s chief authority, inherited a complex economic and social legacy with high inflation, scarce international reserves, and high levels of poverty, but “Taking bold steps to restore macroeconomic stability and begin to overcome long-standing obstacles to growth.” However, he warned that “the path to stabilization will be difficult.” The government will implement serious fiscal adjustments and improve public services and transportation. Although a portion of these objectives were contemplated in the omnibus legislation, they had to be withdrawn so that the negotiations could be committed to going ahead with the opposition government.

Miley celebrated the announcement by the IMF at the President’s residence. Additionally, he sporadically monitored debates in Congress. One issue distracted him from national politics: He spoke via video call Shawn Redd, creator of the dating app Tinder. “I just had one Conference Call With Shawn Redd, the founder of Tinder, and we have agreed to organize a meeting in Buenos Aires with other great entrepreneurs from the tech world.

(TagstoTranslate)Argentina Congress postpones vote on Miley’s major project amid incidents between protesters and police (T)Argentina (T)Javier Miley

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