Atuem celebrates World Multiple Sclerosis Day with several events

May 30 was World Multiple Sclerosis Day, which this year focused on the importance of early diagnosis. “Our motto this year is: “From the first symptoms, time is money,” said Juan José Martín, president of the Turolense Multiple Sclerosis Association, noting that yesterday was a memorable day to remember what this disease means and with the goal “that it can to reach those who can help us.”

The association estimates that in the province of Teruel there are 150 patients due to the prevalence of this disease in the community, but with people who come from other places but are here, the number of patients with this chronic neurological disease could reach 200.

Juan José Martín was this Thursday in Plaza San Juan at the information table with other members of the association. During the day there were inflatables and Toriko was illuminated in orange in memory of these patients.

The information that was distributed on this day indicated what is associated with the first symptoms, such as tingling or loss of sensation in the limbs, weakness in any part of the body, the urge to urinate, loss of vision in one or both eyes. vision, lack of balance or tendency to fall.

In Atuem they reminded that if you have such symptoms, you must contact your family doctor to identify the disease.

The Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN) on the occasion of World Multiple Sclerosis Day recalled that every 5 minutes a new case is diagnosed in the world, but in addition, over the past 10 years the number of people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis has increased. . by more than 22 percent.

SEN says this increase has occurred almost exclusively in the form of outbreaks and is primarily due to an increase in the number of cases among women, but also among the child population. In addition, there has been a significant increase in the number of patients under the age of 18, and although still rare, there are already at least 30,000 children diagnosed with multiple sclerosis worldwide.

In the Society’s opinion, this increase can be partly justified by both improved diagnostic methods and increased treatment options.

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