Baldness increases the risk of skin cancer: five tips for prevention, according to a dermatologist – Valencia

He skin cancer It occurs as a result of the abnormal and uncontrolled growth of skin cells that have been altered by ultraviolet (UV) radiation coming from sunlight or artificial sources of ultraviolet radiation, so it usually appears more often in areas of the skin that are exposed to sunlight.

A third of cancer diagnoses are skin cancer. IN Spainevery month, about 300 patients diagnosed with skin melanoma.

Over the past decades, the incidence of skin cancer has doubled in our country. IN COPE Valencia They know the importance of prevention and awareness about this type of cancer and therefore interview dermatologists from Vitas Hospital on October 9th.

How to prevent skin cancer

He Dr. Antonio Gonzalez, dermatologist, He emphasizes the importance of knowing our body and responding to any changes. You have to keep in mind, “see if it shows up first.” any new lesions, whether pigmented or non-pigmented. Yes it is changes in those lesions that are already known in both shape and size, and then, if they exist, for example, wounds that won’t heal. A wound that is located primarily in areas exposed to the sun and which always heals, but in any case it is very important to consult a dermatologist.

Dr. Belen Fabre, dermatologist, laser technology expert, states that one of the most harmful factors for the skin is prolonged exposure to the sun.

Listen HERE to a special program against skin cancer.

For preventive purposes, Dr. Fabre ensures that Raise awareness of using sun protection daily, both on sunny and cloudy days, and even more so in our Mediterranean climate. Have present family history about this type of cancer.

importance of photosensitivity on fair skin, light eyes, blond or red hair. Research shows that prolonged sun exposure and solariums They are carcinogenic to the skin.

In conclusion, the two doctors agreed on the daily use of protective equipment not only on the face. This is especially true for people who work outside and are more exposed to ultraviolet rays, such as construction workers, farmers or physical education teachers.

How does alopecia affect skin cancer?

Dr. Marty, trichology expert, specialist in the specialized study of diseases, functions and anatomy of hair. He claims to exist Link between baldness and increased risk of skin cancerMore precisely, 7 times more.

The doctor gives five tips prevention:

  1. Usage hats, caps or scarvesespecially dark colors and thick textures as they block UV rays better.
  2. For people who have no hair, he advises use creams and if their hair is thin, use photoprotectors in the form of non-greasy sprays.
  3. Also sunscreens for the oral cavity in a comprehensive manner, including for the mucous membranes, avoiding the use of traditional creams.
  4. A common mistake is protecting yourself. face and leave it forgotten ears or bald spot, The doctor assures that it is also important to take care of this organ.
  5. Avoid the middle of the day, especially peak sun exposure hours.

The main myths about skin care

Dr. Pasquali, aesthetic dermatologist, explains the factors that contribute to aging of our skin. Long term exposure Sun, helps early aging. Him too tobacco, pollution, pollutionHe stress, Lack of sleep or using inappropriate cosmetics for our skin type. And he advises proper skin care not only if you have unhealthy skin, such as acne.

Dr. Bella, dermatologist and aesthetic dermatologist, debunks major myths skin care. Because the product is more expensive no, it implies that it is better this way. If I don’t wear makeup, I shouldn’t wash my face, other factors like pollution affect my face and lead to suicide. Oily skin does not need moisturizing; all skin should be moisturized.

Eating chocolate is bad for acne, although this claim cannot be scientifically proven. It states that acne can occur in infants and children. people over 50 years old, debunking the myth that only teenagers suffer from acne, that it can be treated and solved at any age.

Two doctors came to a consensus prevention by visiting a dermatologist not only when our skin is sick.

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