BBVA IBEX SABADELL OPA | Ibex recovers the level of 11,100 points, Fluidra rises by 7%.

Ibex recovers the level of 11,100 points, Fluidra rises by 7%.Eduardo Parra – Europa Press – Archive

The Spanish stock market added 0.5% this Friday and recovered to 11,100 points, helped by gains in international markets and most major values.. The best performer of Friday’s session was Fluidra, up over 7%, followed by Acciona, up 3.15%. These figures were followed by Meliá, which gained more than 3% after reporting results and re-offering dividends, and Acciona Energía (2.83%). The Spanish market’s main pick is overvalued by 2.31% weekly, and over the year it accumulates an overvaluation of 9.93%.

BBVA and Sabadell, the two protagonists of this week’s hostile takeover operation, moved forward this Friday. BBVA was revalued 1.15% after falling sharply on Thursday, while Sabadell rose 0.73%.after reporting its potential buyer to the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) for violating legislation on filing a takeover bid and “introducing” to the market incomplete data that could influence investors.

Among the most bearish values ​​this Friday was Ferrovial, which fell nearly 2.37% following the June 21 announcement of a flexible interim dividend attributable to reserves. The company of Spanish origin debuted this Thursday on the Nasdaq exchange in the United States with a drop of just over 1%. On the other hand, Telefonica shares fell 1.18% and Merlin shares fell 0.93%.

Foreign places

The Spanish market has been revalued thanks to the growth experienced in international markets. London rose 0.63%, Frankfurt rose 0.46% and Paris rose 0.38%. US markets also opened higher, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average up 0.85%, the S&P up 0.51% and the Nasdaq up 0.27%.. Asian markets Hong Kong also ended the week higher: Hong Kong rose 2.3%, Seoul – 0.57%, Tokyo – 0.41% and Shanghai – 0.01%.

Other macroeconomic indicators that became known on Friday included UK GDP data. In the first quarter of the year, the country grew by 0.6% and emerged from a technical recession. On the other side, minutes of the last meeting of the European Central Bank (ECB), if inflation continues to fall. In addition, a barrel of Brent oil fell in price by 0.18% and was trading at $83.73..

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