BBVA Perú is included in S&P Global’s 2024 Sustainability Yearbook.

In 2020, BBVA placed sustainability at the center of its business and made it one of its strategic priorities to address three key objectives: combating climate change, conserving natural capital and promoting inclusive growth.

In all regions where we operate, efforts are therefore being made on all fronts to accompany customers in their transition to a more sustainable world. In Peru, its sustainability performance led it to top the financial industry and be included in S&P Global’s 2024 Sustainability Yearbook for the third year in a row.

“The work that companies are doing is essential to reducing the global fragmentation of sustainability reporting and creating an international framework. This report is based on fundamental principles transparency, reliability and comparability, and highlights some of the most promising public and private sector initiatives from around the world to create a more sustainable future.said Douglas L. Peterson, President and CEO of S&P Global.


This sustainability yearbook is based on S&P’s 2023 Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA). To appear, Companies must be ranked in the top 15% of their industry and receive a CSA score equivalent to being ranked in the top 30% of their industry.

As of December 22 Some 9,316 companies from 62 industries were assessed and only 733 were selected worldwide. Since last year, an improved methodology has been used to further harmonize the selection of companies based on ESG indices.

BBVA Global Commitment

In line with its sustainability commitments, at the end of 2023, BBVA had mobilized 206,000 million euros in sustainable business since 2018, exceeding its planned target of reaching 300,000 million in 2025. Of this amount, 78% was allocated to combat climate change, and the remaining 22% was allocated to promoting inclusive growth.

Even in the fourth quarter of 2023. BBVA mobilizes 21,000 million euros in sustainable business. This figure represents a new quarterly record and an increase of approximately 75% year-over-year.

BBVA is the only Peruvian bank featured in the 2023 Dow Jones Sustainability Index, and in Europe it has been recognized for the fourth year in a row as the most sustainable bank on the continent, the global benchmark index for sustainability.

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