Being a doctor in Gaza, history from hell

A few weeks ago, via our friend Pascual Caballerowho worked for Doctors Without Borders (MSF), I contacted their representative for Andalusia and the communications manager for our region, Carlos Bustamante. I wanted to know first-hand what they are experiencing in Gaza. They told me we have to raise our voices, the situation is already volatile. When we spoke their message was, “Immediate and permanent ceasefire.” Doctors need to work in safe places to be able to provide quality care to the hundreds of patients they have to care for every day.

last March, Alphonso ArtachoA man from Malaga responsible for MSF logistics in Gaza told a media outlet that “there is desperation like I’ve never seen before.” Alfonso coordinated the deployment of infrastructure and personnel, as well as the distribution of drinking water to populations south of the Strip.

The attack on the camp near the city is on all our minds Rafah, In late May, images of burning tents, located in a supposed “safe zone”, and the desperation of those living in them, were seen. Dozens of dead and many wounded were added to those already recorded. More than 36,000 people have died in this war so far, including thousands of children. A complex in the city was attacked. Hamas in the zone. According to the Israeli Prime Minister, what happened in the camp was a “tragic accident”,

Paulo MilanesioMSF’s emergency coordinator in Gaza commented in a statement that in this attack, more than 190 people reached its patient stabilization center, 28 of them were already dead, including women and children. MSF argues that repeated attacks in densely populated areas inevitably lead to mass killings of civilians. After almost 8 months of war, there are no longer any health centers in Gaza that have the capacity to deal with a mass casualty event like the one that occurred on 26 and 27 May. Children are already dying there from the bombings – including the aid blockade Malnutrition represent a cruel punishment for the civilian population – due to food shortages. The fact that across the border Refah It has been closed for a month, due to which the health system has collapsed overwhelmed to the point of collapse, Just a few days before the attack, the International Court of Justice, the highest court in the United Nations Israel ordered to halt offensive on Rafah. Israel argued the offensive was vital to defeating Hamas, but the court urged Israel to stop ,Any action that could affect the living conditions of the Palestinian group in Gaza, leading to its physical destruction in whole or in part, Israel ignored this sentence and attacked the above camp. But the situation has not improved.

Following the attacks of these first days of June in the central sector of the Strip, Karin HusterMSF’s medical representative in Gaza made the following statement: “This morning, the smell of blood in the hospital emergency room was unbearable. People are lying everywhere, on the ground, outside… Many people brought dead bodies in plastic bags. The situation is dire, He Al Aqsa Hospital At least 70 people have died and more than 300 have been injured these days. Most of the victims are women and children. The medical teams of this hospital are one of the few medical centers that are still working in its central region Fringe-is He is trying to cope with a huge influx of patients suffering from shrapnel wounds, severe burns and various traumas these days.

On June 8 at 5:00 pm, Chris HookHead of the MSF Medical Team Nasir HospitalVia voice note, sent the following information: “I think we have found about 50 seriously injured people in the last hour.”, There are people with multiple and severe open fractures of their arms and legs. We have many unconscious children, the operating rooms are working at full capacity. The resources we have are very limited, The emergency department is able to evacuate a large number of patients who were already here, but there is a lack of capacity to do CT scans. Patients have to go to another hospital. We have very limited painkillers available. We have to ration morphine and ketamine a bit. Intensive Care Unit It is already full, and more patients are coming, Like Al Aqsa, this hospital too has completely collapsed.

I would like to end this article with a message Dr. Karin Hunter, ,You roll up your sleeves, put a lot of things in your pockets and do what you can. But there is nothing, there is nothing that can justify what I have seen today, Nothing. These children: a three-month-old baby, a seven-year-old baby, a 12-year-old child who died, a 25-year-old man, a 78-year-old woman, all together Terrible wounds. Do they deserve this? And why does the world just watch silently? To what extent must we be horrified before we do something, before we tell Israel once and for all that this is not acceptable?,

It’s hard to stay calm in the face of so much pain. The work MSF does Horoscope need any help we can give them. Your wish for a Calmness I also have immediate response in the area and I expect the same from all of you.


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