Belarus challenges Poland and Ukraine with largest military maneuvers near its borders

This Friday, the Belarusian armed forces began their largest military maneuvers on the borders with Poland, Ukraine and Russia as tensions rise in the region over fears that a Russian invasion of Ukraine would trigger a large-scale war in the region. The Belarusian defense minister has indicated on his Telegram account that these maneuvers, to be carried out mainly by ground troops and special army units, will also involve the air force. In addition, According to the text, they would use artillery fire.

During the first part of these maneuvers, The troops will be deployed in specific areas where they will carry out military reinforcement tasks. Then they will do it Maneuvers to simulate combat, an issue that will take place alongside training work in the Brest region, near the Polish border and in Gomel, near Russia. Both regions are located in the south of the country, just a few kilometres from the northern Ukrainian border. Belarus is one of Russia’s main allies and has repeatedly shown its support since Russian President Vladimir Putin launched an invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

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