Bella Thorne in the mountains with Snapchat hooks… Et pourquoi pas?

Les poils n’ont rien d’extraordinaire. No seriously.

And Bella Thorne, who posted photos of herself on Snapchat, is just that.

She trusted the legend: “Okay, this is nice. Je vais me raser » à côté d’un gros plan de ses poils, définitivement au-delà du stade des 1 or 2 days without entry…

Pourquoi en faire tout un plat?  (Photo: Bella Thorne/Snapchat)Pourquoi en faire tout un plat?  (Photo: Bella Thorne/Snapchat)

Pourquoi en faire tout un plat? (Photo: Bella Thorne/Snapchat)

The beauty of this post lies not in the political message, nor in the fact that it is found in beauty (également deux bons messages), but in the fact that it is published in its jambes poilues sans sourciller.

This is an attitude that is not part of my friendship, more legitimate plus a rare passion for the excitement of celebrities or personalities present in the media.

And this is not the first time B. Thorne has defended his pilosité non plus. Last December, a young woman waited for a parfait troll’s response on Twitter when she was not given advice on how to get rid of joints.

Idem pour ses aisseles.

Ha ha ha, don’t save me from something I’ve never done?

Thorne isn’t a unique celebrity who hasn’t already been a bona fide flaming star.

In addition, last year Lola Kirke received a Golden Globe with prizes for icells, as well as a plus and plus regime for bloggers who received cat results and shared the results with subscribers.

Alice Scholl

Yahoo Style UK

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