Berlinale 2024: Overtaking, Saoirse Ronan, mythology and abstinence

Thanks to the camera of German director Nora Fingscheidt, Saoirse Ronan has a beautiful face and passion. A sharp realization, but an incredible trend.

At 29, having completed a master’s degree in biology in London, Rona (Saoirse Ronan) is a recluse in nightlife and alcohol. An addiction that brings a lot of people and what they mean is that they go home. After a decade of absence, voila de return to my parents’ home in the Orcad Islands. Or he returned to bercail ne sera pas de tout repos.

Coup de cœur Outre-Atlantique during its presentation at Sundance, “The Outrun” was presented to Berlin designers for a big premiere in Europe. I adapted the journalist’s memoirs of the same name Amy Liptrot et sous la coupe de Saoirse Ronan (who also handles production quality), German film director. Nora Fingscheidt Tail design available. After the provocation of “Benny” and further on Netflix from Netflix Sandra Bullock* in “Unforgivable” – the realist marches in a new way to the volcanic character. Et le pari, aussi risqué soit-il, est amplement réussi.

The legend is that the Orcade archipelago will become part of the dragon’s line from the tail of the world. Recalling the folklore of the region that originated on the island, “The Outrun” is a form of intime and mystique reading. Porte-par-la-flave (and cruel) de Saoirse Ronan, the mise-en-scène boils down to the fact that the world de ses douloureuses murmuration inside. Ne vous y méprenez pas, la beauté des images est parfois trompeuse, “The Outrun” is a rough film in lequel Rona croise les groups de paroles et le pénible decompte de ses jours d’abstinence.

In the heart of this redeemed epic, Nora Fingscheidt Signe une péalisation à flanc de falaise pour approcher l’alcoolisme et le sujet des blessures psychiques et leurs transgénérationnelles. Magical realism, the long footage also presents a meditative and contemplative form, reminiscent of the protagonist’s idle decline. Face au vide, à l’isolement et au vertige de ses parents, la volte de Saoirse Ronan sera poétique, Organique, Ornithologique Même. And I miss the conveniences offered for memory adaptation: “The Outrun” is currently in cueilli.

4/5 ★

More information about the 74th Berlinale

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