Bildu gets a deputy in the National Assembly and expands its independence project in France

eh bild will have Representation in French institutions for the first time in history. EH BAI, the French brand of the Abergele Left, has obtained a deputy position in the National Assembly of France, following the elections held this Sunday in the neighboring country. « , “We had the challenge of bringing an Abergel, a pro-independence and left-wing deputy to Paris for the first time,” said Bildu’s general coordinator Arnaldo Otegi: “The challenge was achieved.”

On the other side of the Pyrenees its candidate, Péro Dufau, became integrated into the New Popular Front led by Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Received 37.5% of the vote in the 6th constituency (Pyrénées-Atlantiques)which brings together cities such as Hendaye or Biarritz. This victory in Iparralde (known as the French Basque Country) would serve to transfer the sovereignty of Bildu to the French capital.

“We have 3 representatives who will defend the voice of the Northern Basque Country in Paris!” Dufau himself wrote last night on his social networks, with reference to Iñaki Echaniz and Colette Capdeville, with whom Participated in the electoral coalition of the so-called Republican Front. were also elected, although they are not part of EH Bai.

Dufau, like the group of centrists, communists, environmentalists and populists who have united in the Republican Front for this second round of legislative elections. centered his campaign on the idea of ​​”stopping the far right.” A powerful idea that served to unite left-wing voters yesterday and overpower the National Rally, Marine Le Pen’s party, which emerged victorious in the first round.

Indeed, in recent weeks, Bildu’s French candidate has denounced graffiti and attacks on his electoral campaign, in which he was labelled a Nazi. “We are not the far right but true defenders against their reactionary ideas.”He said a few days ago. “On Sunday we called for a massive mobilization!”, a request that, judging by the results, has worked.

The Aberzel left not only aspires to sovereignty over Spanish territory, but also considers three French regions – Lapurdi, Baja Navarra and Zuberoa – as part of the “seven provinces” that would form the Basque Country. A claim that Dufau will likely try to present in the French debate with its arrival in the legislative chamber of Paris.

«Euskal Herria must regain its national rights, and it must do so in all areas. When we talk about the political situation, we read Euskal Herria in its entirety»Arnoldo Otegi explained this last week at the political closing ceremony of EH Bildu in Arrasate, ahead of yesterday’s elections.

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