Book sale: caracol “Mortel Adele” live

(ETX Daily Up) – Who will appear after the voice-over character of Mr. Tan and Diane Le Feuer? Four weeks in a row “Mortelle Adèle” surclasse ses concurrentes en s’octroyant la première Marche du Podium. She promotes the new heroine who lives on, Esther, who is a soufflé of 18 bougies in the last volume of the famous saga of Riad Sattouf, and also that the new polar Camille Lackberg, “Le Nid du Coucou”, qui prend la troisième Place de class CE .

Classification of the best buys in books from June 10 to June 16, 2024:

1. “Mortelle Adèle T.21 – RécréACTION Générale!”, Mr. Tan and Diane Le Feuer (Mr. Tan and company)

2. “Les Cahiers d’Esther T.9 – Histoires de mes 18 ans”, Riad Sattouf (Allari)

3. “Le Nid du coucou”, Camille Lackberg (Actes Sud)

4. “Norferville”, Frank Tillier (Fleuve Editions)

5. “Le Barman du Ritz”, Philippe Collin (Albin Michel)

6. “A Wonderful Life”, Virginie Grimaldi (Le Livre de Poche)

7. “My Hero Academia T.39 – Un Combat sans Alt”, Kohei Horikoshi (Ki-un)

8. “Les Sept Sœurs T.8 – Atlas, history of Pas-Sol”, Lucinda Riley and Harry Whittaker (Le Livre de Poche)

9. “One-Punch Man T.29”, One et Yûsuke Murata (Kurokawa)

10. “Woman Sage of Auschwitz”, Anna Stewart (Jai Lu)

Methodology: “Top Vennt Class” is worth 1200 points for Edistat-TiteLive ( books. All reviews in this class are binding on TiteLive.

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