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Ukraine: Bilan Grimpera continues after Russian frappe in a Kharkov hypermarket

Le bilan de la frappe russe sur un Hypermarché de bricolage in Kharkov, the second city of Ukraine, continuing the grimper, passing through 14 deaths, passes by this qualified “ignoble” attack on the President of Ukraine.”Le bilan des morts . “s’élève à 14 “, said the Governor of the Kharkov region Oleg Sinegubov. Previous bilateral message from the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Igor Klimenko, faisait état de douze morts, 43 blessings and 16 disagreements la suite de this Attack. “Pour eux (les Russes), c’est un plaisir de brûler. Nous savons tous à qui nous avons businesse,” – a lance dimanche le President Vladimir Zelensky. “La Russie est gouvernée par des gens” qui veulent.” que ce soit la Norme de Brûler des Vies, de détruire des villes et des Village, de diviser les peuples et d’effacer les borders nationales par la guerre”, at-il martelé.- “Tout est devenu noir” -M. Klimenko – the soul that awaits “fallu plus de 16 heures pour éteindre l’incendie dans l’hypermarché (…) provoqué par des frappes russes ciblées”. pompiers, l’incendie qui a été maîtrisé, a brûlé 10,000 mètres carrés.”C’est arrivé brusquement. Au début nous n’avons pas compris, everything turned black, and everything began to fall on our faces,” confessed Lyubov, a woman from the menagerie of the hypermarch. “Heureusement que mon téléphone s’est allumé, Grace à sa Torche j’ai Trouvé où j ‘étais, mais devant nous tout brûlait dejà’ The Russian news agency TASS quoted a Russian security source as saying that the missile strike destroyed a “military staging post and command post” in the battalion of the attackers. Ukraine, in February 2022. French President Emmanuel Macron has become “unacceptable” for this Russian language. “France shares the comb of the Ukrainians and the mobilized population in the Ivory Coast,” écrit sur Invitation to the Sommet de la Peace – President Zelensky calls on the Americans and of the Chinese, Joe Biden and Xi Jinping, to take part in the Sommet pour la paix prévu en Suisse les 15 and 16 juin, sans la Russie “I appealed to the leaders of the world (…) to President Biden, the leader of the United States, and to the President. Xi, so that the leader of China (…) S’il vous plait, soutenez le sommet de la paix avec votre leadership and your participation,” M. Zelensky said in a video message after the shelling of Kharkov. The conference was held in Lucerne at the Swiss Center, which invited more than 160 delegations to Russia, which issues the “peace formula” put forward by M. Zelensky, which is tantamount to Moscow’s capitulation. President Biden has not confirmed his position in China, which has done so. his participation was not announced, which was assessed qu’elle soutenait une conférence de paix Internationale Reconnue à la fois par la Russie et l’Ukraine. Capture of the new village of Berestov. Son of Côté, commander of the Ukrainian Army of the Air, Nikolay Oleschuk, a fait état dimanche d’une Attack nocturne de missiles and Russian aviation “à l’aide de 14” missiles aériens et de plus de trois douzaines de Drones d ‘attack’. Illustration indicated , that all the missiles, with the exception of two, ont été abattus.Dans la région de l’Ukraine (the center of Ukraine), les fragments d’un Drone abattu He blessed three people and helped them with houses and real estate, he indicated the regional authorities. Samedi evening, ina autre frappe a touche le center de Kharkiv, blessed 18 people in the zone où, which they are looking for in the post office, in the hairdressing salon, etc. un cafe, selon son maire Igor Terekhov.Kharkov, which is located near Russian border in northern Ukraine is controlled by Moscow troops, which also launched a ground offensive in the region on May 10. s’emparer de plusieurs localités et de power kyiv à dépêcher des renforts dans le secteur. In Ukraine everyone is sure that this is a “ban”.bur/pop-am/ib/tmt/sba/bpi

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