Brief news. September 29, 2024

Equal access to new medicines in Europe and Spain is one of the most important challenges for health systems. differences in availability and financing Innovative treatments have a fundamental impact on patients and their families, as well as on the practice of health care providers and the quality of the system itself.

Currently coming change in the regulatory framework on issues that affect biomedical innovation, drug evaluation or financing, which will mark the coming decades and will go hand in hand with new European pharmaceutical legislation, the European Regulation and the Royal Decree on Health Technology Assessment, among others.

We are facing a moment of opportunity. As for the pharmaceutical industry, we hope that all these regulatory projects have as their main goal the improvement of the approach to diseases through patient access to innovative medicines, in Predictable and fair environment for the entire social network“, said Farmaidustria CEO Juan Yermo, who took part this Thursday in VIII Congress of Patient Organizations (POP), held in Seville.

The pharmaceutical industry, Yermo recalled, has proposed a number of improvements in the evaluation procedure, pricing and public financing of drugs in our country. “The goal is to create flexible, predictable and efficient model, in a way that helps solve the current problem that moves us away from the times governed by the European reference countries and harms Spanish patients,” he stressed.

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