Briton Bill Gates’ partner shot down two days before shipwreck: fatal coincidence?

Rescue teams continue search for missing people after Bayesian yacht sinks, killing tycoon Mike Lynchhis daughter Hannahyour lawyer Chris Morvillo and his wife, NedaIn particular, conspiracy theories are beginning to spread via social media. The reason? The Briton known as “Bill Gates” fought in court for 13 years on 17 fraud charges after selling his company to computer giant Hewlett Packard (HP) for $11 billion (€9.943 million). In June, he was cleared of all charges: “Life is beautiful”– he said then.

Lynch gave an interview to celebrate his freedom after a year of house arrest in the US: “If it had gone wrong, it would have been the end of life as I knew it, in any sense. It’s a very strange situation to be in now. “When you come back, you’ll have a different mindset. I was in Piccadilly Circus the other day, where there’s the biggest traffic jam, and I just thought, ‘This is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.'” Times. The 59-year-old businessman was happy after returning to the UK: “I had to say goodbye to everything and everyone because I didn’t know if I would ever come back. Now I have a second life. The question is, what do I want to do with it?”

Before embarking on the Bayesian project, the tycoon recovered from his emotional exhaustion at his private farm retreat in Suffolk, where he once again enjoyed the company of his wife, Angela Bacares, and two daughters, aged 21 and 18. The youngest, Hannah, also died with her father. Here, he raised rare breeds of livestock, including Suffolk sheep and Gloucestershire Old Spot pigs. He also had five dogs, which he named after such engineering achievements as the Switch and Valve. “Suffolk is my home. The best thing I find about Suffolk is that there is still a real community there. You meet a lot of people doing all sorts of things. If you spend any length of time there, you see the way their lives are lived,” he said.

His partner was fatally hit

Just two days before the Bayes shipwreck that killed Mike Lynch and his daughter Hannah, his partner, Stephen Chamberlainaccused and acquitted of the same tax crimes as his friend, he was hit by a car while jogging and died in Cambridgeshire, England.

A police spokesman told the BBC there was “no indication of anything suspicious or strange” about Chamberlain’s death and ruled out contact with Italian police investigating the sinking of the yacht Mike Lynch was on. Many internet users have argued that their deaths, just two days and two months after their acquittal, cannot be a coincidence.

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