CANARY HEALTH | They discovered an outbreak of meningitis at a school in the Canary Islands.

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Meningitis: a serious disease that affects the brain and spinal cordProvinces

Directorate General of Public Health of the Canarian Health Service (SKS) has organized a vaccination campaign that will take place this Saturday and Sunday, June 8 and 9, at the Pediatric Consultation Health Center Great Tarajal. This event is intended for approximately 700 people, including students, teaching and non-teaching staff of the university. CEIP Cristobal Garcia Blerzy. No appointment is required to receive the meningococcal B vaccine.


Importance of vaccination

The GCS calls on all people at risk of receiving this vaccine to protect both individual and collective health. Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent meningitis. The vaccines are safe and do not pose a significant health risk to those who receive them. In addition, the educational center organizes information sessions to address any concerns of parents and the educational community.

General Directorate of Public Health activated the appropriate protocol after identifying two cases of meningitis caused by Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B in CEIP students Cristóbal García Blerzy. Both cases developed favorably. Molecular analysis showed that the isolates were identical, leading to activation of the outbreak protocol.


The outbreak protocol includes vaccination with a specific meningococcal type B vaccine to prevent the emergence of new cases. General Directorate of Public Health sent information notes to students’ families and organized additional information meetings for those wishing to ask questions to Fuerteventura’s health care professionals.

Meningococcal disease can cause severe symptoms and has a mortality rate of 10%. The vaccination schedule in the Canary Islands includes the vaccine against meningococcus B. In the event of an outbreak, a booster vaccination is recommended if more than a year has passed since the last vaccination. If you have not received any dose, two doses should be given with a minimum of one month between them.

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