Cardiologists are on edge over an alarming rise in heart attacks in young people.

The Goyanes family has lost three members in less than three weeks to cardiovascular complications. On August 7, 79-year-old Carlos Goyanes died of a heart attack. Nineteen days later, his brother Tito Goyanes died of the same complication, and just hours later, Carlos’ daughter, Caritina Goyanes, died at just 46 years old.

These deaths highlight the importance of focusing on cardiovascular health, a problem that affects all age groups and which experts say Since the 80s, it has gradually increased among young people.

Despite the bad news, there is a bittersweet conclusion: Although the number of heart attacks in young people has increased, fewer and fewer of them are fatal. At least that is what the graphs show. National Statistical Institute. Compared with the 1980s, mortality from myocardial infarction has decreased by more than 70% in the 35-49 age group and by 50% in the 50-54 age group. That is, at present Young people suffer more heart attacks, but fewer of them end in death.

Experts attribute the rise in heart attacks to a set of variables common to modern society. Some circumstances are beyond our control, such as age or family history, but many other factors are in people’s hands. Tobacco use, hypertension, high cholesterol, sedentary lifestyle, diet, stress and other drug use. They are among the leading causes of heart attacks in the young population. They point out that with these habits on the rise, it is important know the symptoms before a heart attack occurs, so that you can contact the nearest medical center if one is detected.

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