Catherine Deneuve, Salma Hayek, Omar Sy… On Cannoise night, the stars meet at the prestigious Women In Motion dinner.

Women In Motion Awards in Cannes

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For this new edition, Kering’s program will honor a famous woman: Donna Langley, group president of NBC Universal Studio. Applause to the prestigious assemblies of the Cannes Film Festival.

On May 19, Place de Castres lights up with a thousand new lights for the most beautiful evenings. Lily Gladstone, Xavier Dolan, the new chairman of the jury of Un Certain Regard, Emmanuelle Béart, fashion model Anja Rubik, Pierfrancesco Favino, Diane Kruger, Eva Green, époustouflante en Look Pank Chic, general delegate of the Cannes Festival Thierry Fremaux, or Anais encore Demoustier, who devoilait ainsi son baby bump, was on a date with prominent figures from Cannes to pay tribute to one of the main figures of the Hollywood industry: Dame Donna Langley.

NBC Universal Studio Group President, Britannique receives the Women In Motion Award today alongside Culture Minister Rachida Dati. Kering President-CEO François-Henri Pinault le Soulignait dans Son Discours: in honor of this decision, unsurpassed in Hollywood, it is an exemplary park and a “person at the forefront” for the son, to participate in the parity, etc. “inclusion in program to enhance the value of women in the world of arts and culture is rewarded.” “For beaucoup, I have a vision of the art that I wear in a suit,” Donna Langley said at the museum during her sale. Pourtant, c’est bel et bien une amoureuse du cinéma, une Visionnaire qui était ce soir-là mise en lumière. Without this patron of American cinema, films Oppenheimer OU She said n’auraient peut-être pas vu le jour. “Chère Donna, you have proven that women are very fair: they work with great leaders, take risks and at the same time manage the budget,” declares Cannes Festival President Iris Knobloch, who, after all, welcomes the debuts. Prometers d’Amanda Nell Yu, winner of the Women In Motion New Talent Award. Sur l’Estrade, Malaysian reality Tiger stripes Rappelait d’ailleurs la nécessité d’etre understand what is doute encore qu’un futur dans le cinéma lui soit acquis. These words could become the same Judith Godrèche who, where the girl Tess Barthelemy is, will also receive the names of friends to participate in the fight against sexual violence.

Strong women

Presentation in Cannes for the presentation of the court master Me too Soutenu from the Kering Foundation, an actress and a realist, are the queens of the evening who play the other guests. On another occasion, Isabelle Huppert spoke with representatives of the Japanese cinema “Koreeda”, jury president Greta Gerwig, papoter with Julianne Moore in front of the table, or for an encore Justine Trieu expresses all her admiration for Jacques Audiard for the musical comedy. Emilia Perez Aren’t actresses Zoe Saldana and Carla Sofia Gascón equally part of the celebration? Not in the lower back, Charlotte Gainsbourg hugs Catherine Deneuve, helps on the cats of Anthony Vaccarello, artistic director of Saint Laurent, when Michelle Yeoh, Prix Women in Motion 2023, exchanges with Salma Hayek Pinault, who preceded his palms, 2021.

After dinner hosted by étoilée Breton chef Virginie Giboise, prepare yourself for a quissé quelques pas sur la piste de danse avant de filter. Accompanying the cars of the BMW fleet to manage the embankment, Pierre Niney and the woman Natasha Andrews rejoiced Arthu for his phenomenal successPetit Truc En Plus, Avant qu’Omar Sy does not welcome the malice of the implementer Costa Gavras and the woman: “Bonne nuit le papa et la maman de Romain” leur dira-t-il, comme un petit clin d’œil à son comrade implementer Romain Gavras. And the star Lupine finally launch the grand éclat de rire dans la nuit to end this wonderful evening with a bang.

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