Change confirmed by Caixabank. What will happen to the new payments?

A few years ago make some agreements with banks like Caixabankhad trip to the office and contact its employees in person. This happened in cases of signatures or official procedures. For some people, this can be a barrier, especially if they have little time in their daily life or if their bank is not as close to them as they would like.

Today banks and savings banks generate new technology that allows to avoid procedures both customers and their employees, and take advantage of the giant strides we see every day in this sector. This is the case with this bank, which has implemented a method that will help all its customers make their lives easier, saving them time and travel costs.

Banks are becoming increasingly digital

We see these improvements and digitalization not only at Caixabank. like the one we’ll cover later, but today there are many banks and savings banks that are using new technologies. They do this through apps and online accounts that customers can manage completely independently.

This reduces queues at banks, phone calls to customer service and the procedures involved. Although it can also lead, as is happening in other sectors such as supermarkets and where technology replaces staff, to job losses.

Without a doubt Banks are increasingly rewarding customers who take the plunge by opening online accounts. Proof of this is the financial gifts from banks like this one that reward customers who choose to open this type of account with them.

More security for Caixabank clients

Which Caixabank announces and this has also become possible thanks to the advances in the digital world and its application in banks.CaixaBank Digital SignatureThis signature means less paperwork and greater transaction security for customers.

Despite its advantages, it is important to know that it will bring changes, since it will be integrated through the CaixaBankNow application and therefore the old CaixaBank Sign application will disappear. The latter point may cause discomfort for some bank customers, since getting used to the system saves time, eliminates errors and doubts or additional procedures.

However, this signature This is necessary and in line with the European PSD2 regulation, which requires organisations to provide enhanced authentication. in online payments. This can be an advantage and a hedge against the amount of theft and fraud that occurs in the digital world.

Here’s how you can activate your Caixabank digital signature

For Caixabank clients The bank has given instructions on its official website regarding how to activate this signature and start using it when confirming your transactions and payments:

  1. Access by entering access codes CaixaBank Now
  2. Later, you will need to verify the old signature method. To do this, you will need an activation code, which you can obtain at your office or by email by contacting Caixabank.
  3. The final step is to confirm that the organization’s employees will send you a code via SMS. This is important, Caixabank emphasizes, “that you have updated your mobile phone number in your personal CaixaBank Now profile”, Caixabank reported this on its website.

Method not available for tabletsalthough it can be installed on any mobile device. When the new CaixaBank sign is configured in the system, it will be ” a signature method to authorize all transactions you perform in your digital banking“, as confirmed by the bank.

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