Cheap and healthy food that has more protein than ham

When establishing a suitable diet for weight loss or regulating an unbalanced diet, York ham is a regular guest. However, as has become more clearly seen recently, The actual percentage of ham in the slices we’ve eaten for decades has often been less than 60%., and in the case of high-quality cold cuts, even less. It is now common to find York hams with purity percentages of 70%, 90% or even 99%, also noticeably at increasingly higher prices.

To control your intake of York ham, which does not cause health problems when consumed in moderation, substitution is a good tactic. If you are also looking a protein-rich diet, there are several economical and very tasty products that are clearly superior in protein content to York ham. The best value for money for the body is, perhaps, canned sardines.

canned sardine

Excessive daily consumption of processed meats (such as York ham) can be carcinogenic. A study from the International Center for Cancer Research, published by the Lancet and endorsed by the World Health Organization, states that Those who regularly eat more than 50 grams of processed red meat per day have an 18% increased risk of developing colorectal cancer.. In addition, it can lead to hypertension.

Mentioned Canned sardines are a good alternative, either in their natural form or in olive oil. It has a softened spine, making it easy to consume with subsequent calcium content. They also contain selenium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, magnesium and potassium in healthy amounts.

In addition to these benefits, as stated in a Harvard Health Publishing analysis, Canned sardines contain good quality protein and unsaturated fats that do not increase bad cholesterol levels.. It prevents anemia, has few calories and a high proportion of vitamin B12, which facilitates digestion.

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