Christina Kirchner Honors Father Mugica at Patria Institute: Speech and Impact | “Don’t bow your head to what’s happening,” he said.

50 years since the murder of Carlos Mugica: the village priest who gave up his life

by Washington Uranga

fiftieth anniversary of Murder of Catholic priest Carlos MugicaWhich took place on May 11, 1974 in the San Francisco Solano Parish of the city of Buenos Aires, was the occasion of various acts and events throughout the week that ends and which will end tomorrow, Sunday, with a promenade that will connect the metropolis with the Luna Park stadium Cathedral with, where the Buenos Aires Archbishop is Jorge Ignacio Garcia Cuerva will preside over a mass in memory of the priest who was one of its initiators and reference Priests’ Movement for the Third World (MSTM). Mugica was born on 7 October 1930 in Buenos Aires. His father Adolfo was Chancellor of President Arturo Frondizi in 1961.

Christina asked for “deeper commitment” from the political leadership because the people are suffering so much.

Upon leaving the Patria Institute, the former president referred to the entire political leadership and requested a “deeper commitment”, because “the people are suffering a lot.”

“Pope Francis says that priests and deacons must smell like sheep. That’s why in the speech I said that some hierarchs can smell like wolves because they don’t come very close,” he commented in a statement to the C5N channel .

For this reason he sent a message to the political class: “We must have a deeper and more visible commitment because people are suffering so much., Carlos Mugica’s life was a commitment and he is an example for all of us to follow.”

CFK concluded, “Liberty is a wonderful word, but our anthem also pays tribute to equality.”

on the day of national anthem of argentinaChristina Kirchner made a comment on this day of commemoration of the National Verses.

“Today I heard and saw that remembering the Argentine national anthem they talked about freedom. Freedom is a wonderful word. But look at the great equality on the throne, that’s what our anthem says. We must not forget that along with freedom as a precious value, our national anthem bows before the great equality. things complete and by name” the former president concluded.

Christina’s message of hope: “Things are going to change”

The former President made it clear “Things are about to change”, “It was just 5 months yesterday (since the inauguration of President Xavier Miley) and it is true that such a situation has never been experienced, at least in the immediate past,” he said.

Along these lines, he vindicated Mugica. “Today I wanted to remember Father Mugica because he is an example of this. He knew that he had been threatened with death. Those of us who have witnessed closely the experience of someone who wants to kill you know that everything can be overcome., The important thing is strength and conviction. The worst thing we can do is bow our heads before what is happening. There we will lose,” he said.

“These levels of ‘I don’t care’ are not unprecedented,” Christina warned.

The former president once again raised questions on the government of Xavier Miley, which he compared to previous military dictatorships. “These levels of ‘I don’t care’ are not unprecedented”He assured, who recalled an incident that happened in the seventies to compare with the present.

“In 1979, when the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights came, because of human rights violations, relatives were treated in the offices and it coincided with the Youth World Cup, and a famous football commentator who is no longer here had a meeting. The route was changed and he was passed in front of family members, and they insulted them, angered them, told them they were part of an anti-Argentine campaign,” he recalled.

Criticism of CFK and the government: “They do not send food to the canteens, those who do not have money to buy food”

“In our neighborhood we hear this every day They don’t send food to the canteen and they don’t have money to buy food, I listen to the media and my coworkers all the time. In such a situation, how is it possible that these things are supported?” CFK asked itself.

The former president commented that “After Mugica’s death there was a time when there was tremendous violence in Argentina and large sectors of society ignored it and said even worse things like ‘he must have done something’ or ‘they must have killed him’ Must have been taken for some reason. ,

In that sense, he explained: “Those of us who have lived through political extremism can offer that look. It is a look of hope, there were also difficult moments. There was fear, disappearances, death and planned suffering. These moments of cruelty and individualism do not go unpunished”.

Cristina: “Father Mugica had no choice but to become an alternative for the Peronists, Villeros and the poor”

At the beginning of his speech CFK briefly reviewed the life of Father Mugica in the women’s hall of the Patria Institute, saying that “Here we remember the martyrdom of Carlos Mugica.”

“For me he is a contemporary, he was our contemporary. No matter how hard he tries, it is impossible to reduce his image to a smaller image. He was not even a village priest.” He was a man who was from the upper class of Buenos Aires, obviously deeply anti-Peronist, but he understood the gospel and had no choice but to become a Peronist, a villero, and an advocate for the poor.” he commented.

And he added: “Mugika smelled like sheep, he was a shepherd who smelled like sheep. It is true that there are some in the hierarchy who smell more like wolves.”

Christina Kirchner speaks again in tribute to Father Mugica

Christina Kirchner She will appear in public again today at the Instituto Patria to pay tribute to Father Carlos Mugica, 50 years after Triple A murdered him. This will be the former President’s third consecutive action in just two weeks. In both speeches, he harshly criticized the management of Javier Miley, after several months in which he had only raised his differences with the president through social networks and in a comprehensive document released in mid-February.

CFK’s presence goes unnoticed amid debate base law In the Senate and the struggle for the leadership of Peronism. Preparing for that fight, Governor axel kisilof He will also lead a meeting at Florencio Varela on May 18, where he will be surrounded by leaders who are pressing him to take a more central role.


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