Citrus view: “The battle over electric cars may end up like a conflict with bacon”

What started as an industrial war, the battle over electric cars, may be ending bacon conflict, Torrez struggle. Pig fight.

An increase in tariffs on electric vehicles by Brussels could ultimately impact the Spanish agri-food industry. China’s Ministry of Commerce has launched an anti-dumping investigation into European pork. And Spain is the European country that sells the most pork to China. Minister Luis Planas hopes that a trade conflict will not open.

A conflict with a pig will be a bittersweet conflict.. Spain sells about $1.2 billion worth of pork to China, with every fifth kilogram produced going to the country of soy sauce.

There is also a conflict between Spanish regional funding and PSOE’s promise of “unique” funding for Catalonia.

According to Solbes, regional funding is like a Sudoku. A Sudoku that Spain never finished solving. There are always empty boxes, as now with the only funding that Pedro Sánchez offers Catalonia to get ERC support for Salvador Illa. The problem is that Ezquerra, as Raquel Sanz points out, wants more.

In government, both Pse and Sumar defend better funding for Catalonia, using various arguments, such as more powers or, as Zapatero says, because Catalonia is an economic powerhouse. FEDEA Director Angel de la Fuente points to the loss of state resources. The socialist barons defend multilateralism, while the popular ones accuse Sánchez of buying support.

Negotiations to reduce working hours ended in another failure. There is no agreement. And that is why the Ministry of Labor has decided to take the reins of government into its own hands and will prepare a proposal. Yolanda Diaz’s idea from the beginning was to reduce the work week to 37 and a half hours next year. CEOE wants to postpone this measure.

There is also no rapprochement between the Minister of Economy and BBVA regarding the takeover bid for Sabadell. Meanwhile, Criteria announces plan to increase its assets to 40 billion euros and what are headhunters? one of the first Star Wars toys, Boba Fettapproaching half a million euros at auction in Dallas. The most expensive toy in history.

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