Clara Luciani bientôt de retour sur scène… The spat between Charlotte Gainsbourg and Yvan Attal Tourne Mal…
April 8, 2024
Cardi B promises a ‘different’ album ‘for son’s sake’
This year, Beyonce clearly did not become renewed… Cardi B – a évoqué avant-hier sur
“Six years later, I’m getting ready to clear the chain this year… It’s a different story than what happened to everyone, and I’m glad to tell you,” at-elle I stated.
Forte du soutien de son public et du succès de son, premiere album Invasion of personal space, released in 2018, the 31-year-old rapper feels like a pousser des ailes. In response to Missy Elliott’s tweet congratulating artists willing to experience “bad” sounds in solo music, Cardi B I answered : “Yeah!!! Je suis un peu neruse… mais je m’en fiche! J’aime faire des choses que mes oreilles veulent écouter et qui reflètent les humeurs dans lesquelles je me trouve. This is fait du bien. »
La rappeuse a deja devoile les Tubes What do you like (freestyle) and etc. Enough is Enough (Miami) The son’s new album has no departure date and has not been confirmed for an encore.
Clara Luciani announces her upcoming tour
Charlotte Gainsbourg talks about her son Pierre Rencard and Ivan Attal
Elle peut désormais en rire, mais sur le coup, Charlotte Gainsbourg ne savait plus où se mettre! The 51-year-old actress met up with her partner Ivan Attal, who had an unfortunate turn of events.
The couple went to the Three Stars restaurant to profit from a romantic getaway to mark their 59th cinema anniversary, but it was Charlotte Gainsbourg’s daughter who changed her life the most.
“J’ai emmené Yvan pour son anniversaire et ma chienne était bad et elle a eu la chiasse”, s’est-elle souvenue dans l’émission Telematen with Jose Garcia’s cats, with the part that leads to comedy We, Le Leroy. Ilaré, an actor with 58 years of experience, who is waiting to meet an actress for a premiere in this era, s’est rappelé l’avoir questionnaire on sujet de se rencard. “Je n’ai jamais autant ri (…) Elle nous a presenté le truc super bien, elle nous a dit: ‘Ça ne s’est pas très bien passé hier’. Donc, nous, about the most important dispute. »
Despite this colorful anecdote, the couple existed for more than 30 years.