Coca-Cola Europacific Partners is launching an ERE program that will benefit 85 employees in Spain and centralize customer relationships in Bulgaria.

Coca-Cola Europacific Partners is set to carry out an employment regulations review (ERE) in Spain that will affect 85 workers. work centers in Madrid and Barcelona, ​​the Coca-Cola manufacturer and distributor announced yesterday to the European Works Council and Committees of Madrid and Barcelona.

The company explains to EL MUNDO that the reason for the file is “organizational” and the purpose is centralize Customer Service in a general service center located in Bulgaria. This is a common process in multinational companies, and in the case of Coca-Cola Europacific Partners, Spain is one of the latest countries to move these services to a common center, sources consulted confirm.

The Civil Service Independent Trade Union Center (CSIF), which represents the union of most civil servants but has a growing presence in the private sector, announced the news yesterday, as well as the company’s intention to restructure. region people’s culture and commercial transactions.

The CSIF, which indicated that the number of affected workers would initially be around 100, said a meeting was planned in the coming days to provide more details about the operation. Union sources told this newspaper that the bulk of flights will take place in Barcelonaand about 80% of the total were affected.

The company, for its part, assures that the collective dismissal will affect 85 people and in any case will try to “minimize the consequences.” The company emphasizes the importance of conducting this process through a “frank” dialogue in which “all options” are considered, promoting voluntary departures and early retirement.

The company has signaled its intention to begin this collective redundancy process by issuing an official notice “shortly”, after which a seven-day period will be open to form a negotiating table, as set by the latest labor reform approved by the coalition government.

Trade union against traumatic layoffs and are committed to the voluntariness of redundancies, the promotion of early retirement, and confirm that they will facilitate negotiations by making constructive proposals that reduce social impact, and that they will be “vigilant” in complying with the intended causes and labor laws.

It should be remembered that the last ERE carried out by Coca-Cola Europacific Partners in Spain occurred in 2021 and the adjustment affected 360 workers, although it ultimately resulted in layoffs of only 6 people, with the rest being voluntary layoffs and early retirements.

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