Collapse of olive oil companies

The situation of companies involved in the production and sale of oil continues to be very critical. After more than a year, during which prices have increased in many cases by almost 100%many companies see losses gradually becoming larger, forcing them its survival is almost precarious.

One such example can be found in Deoleo, which reported losses due to amount 34 million euros during 2023due to the rising cost of raw materials and the constant increase, which according to experts, represents a very dull near future for the next harvest. with the company’s statement.

According to this, the company In such a “difficult context” who had to make the decision to prioritize gross profit per unit by increasing sales by 1% in a scenario characterized by falling volume at a time when there was exorbitant inflation and for which there seem to be several solutions.

Manufacturer of Carbonell and Hojiblanca products.

It should be remembered that Deoleo is the company that produces all the products of brands such as Carbonell and Hojiblanca, and that in the last year it has issued invoices totaling €837 million (+1%), despite the division’s gross profit being down 30% compared to 2022.

According to the company’s President and CEO Ignacio Silva, he assures that the company has closed “an extremely complex and high volatility”combining two years in a row with a very limited harvest, both in quality and quantity.

“Despite this, we continue to defend our single gross margin. which allowed us to maintain income”Silva said this in a statement.

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