Commentary on the film “The Idea of ​​You” compared in the book

Le livre Marchit pour que le movie puisse danser.

La Prémisse de The Idea of ​​You may be familiar to you: une mère/créatrice d’âge moyen et un garçon britannique d’une vingtaine d’années tombent amoureux, au grand dam des Médias et des Fans. Je fais bien sûr référence à la Romance sans Cesse, discussed between Harry Styles and Don’t Worry Darling director Olivia Wilde. Cependant, source of material, le roman de Robinne Lee du même nom, let’s return to 2017 – des années avant Spitgate, Miss Flo et les histoires Instagram de vinagrette. More styles are inspired by Lee in the novel.

Le livre attiré ses propres sa plus for the Pandemic, lorsque la Popularité de Styles est montae en flèche. I’m coming to a romance between Solen, an art gallery girl of 39 years from Los Angeles, and superstar Hayes Campbell.

Avec toute la fanfare, author of the similarities between history, styles and Wilde, fans of literature and lovers of beautiful personalities, he was a fait accompli when the number of announcement groups for the cinematic adaptation was recorded in 125 million films ce qui en fait la Bande-Annonce La Plus that the movie streaming today was appreciated.

For a film to appear on Prime Video, you require it to be in the location of Jennifer Westfeldt and Michael Showalter (who are also producers) if they are identified from the source material. Summarize the biggest differences between the novel and the film The Idea of ​​You.

To what extent is “The Idea of ​​You” inspired by Harry Styles?

In 2017, Lee told blogger Deborah Kalb: “I debuted late on the surfer train with YouTube videos, and I was in a coffin on the face of a garçon that I didn’t see in the band that was in the band.” ‘avais never pays attention, and c’était Tellement estétiquement parfait. , this is my surprise. C’était comme…de l’art. “She talked about her new love and encouraged him to write a book about this man. Later, after the book’s pandemic resumption – partly due to the popularity of Styles’ croissants – Lee told Vogue de l’inspiration de son intérêt amoureux: “J’ai fait de lui l’homme de mes reves, how Prince Harry met Harry (Stiles) . »

Hayes a “grand bouquet, des lèvres charnues, dents parfaites, des fossettes” and est couvert de tatouages ​​qui crient “C’est comme ça que je dépense mon tout premier gros salaire!” » The son of the boy band August Moon is a quintet that doesn’t dance, port de jean noir mulants, it takes the stage and sorts albums under different names, like Wise of Naked. Cela sounds like a band that starts with the word “un” and ends with the word “direction”, doesn’t it? The main difference is that August Moon is a “chic boy band”, but all members of One Direction have disappeared from the new environment.

Film “Don’t Be Bored” Harry the elephant in the piece, most of all Westfeldt and Showalter improve life, the transformant is that he chose that the whole world, only fans of the cities of styles, can be appreciated.

The old age of the main characters causes teeth to grind.

In the book, Hayes (Nicholas Galitzine de Bottoms) and Solen (Anne Hathaway) meet at the premiere of their 12-year-old girl, Izzy, at a Las Vegas reunion with her band August Moon. The secret connection lingers on two legs of the August Moon tour, with stops in Paris, Miami and the Hamptons. The book’s main conflicts are Solen’s guilt for denying herself before having sexual relationships with people 20 and older, and the stress they experience. Fans of the bands and the media decorated their relationship.

As a result of adapting many problems in life, like Izzy’s obsession with Hayes and comments on the fact that Hayes is “legit”, increasing Hayes and Izzy’s age to four at the age of 24. and 16 annas respectively. At this point you immediately have conflicts between Solen and Izzy (played by Ella Rubin), Izzy’s car doesn’t pass by the school so that the famous penny is mom. Moreover, the film arrives on the table solidly mère-fille, like a rock, through some comforting scenes or an ensemble duet with August Moon and the king-princess in the car.

The film rules the cap part of the classicism inherent in Lee’s book. For example, Lee wrote that August Moon members were at a meeting at a preparatory school in Oxford/Cambridge. Based on the book, Solen and Hayes are the authors of Growing Well.

Showalter and Westfeldt know this won’t work in 2024. Ils ont donc fixé la vie de Solène à Silver Lake plutôt qu’à Malibu; L’omission de toutes les marques de luxe rend également Solène beaucoup plus terre-à-terre, everything in this richness enough to warrant a week’s break in the gallery. Hathaway’s natural charm has changed. She turns Solen into a romantic comedy heroine who can’t help herself.

“An idea for you is not fan fiction”; This is a romantic comedy.

Showalter and Westfeldt turn the fantasy of soul fulfillment into reality, Harry Styles makes a woman plus a girl in the series Lux Glamor (Rome! Paris!) in a real romantic comedy, which means “enchanted meeting.” -minion »est nécessaire. . Selah demands a radical change in the relationship in the novel, or Hayes and Solen meet the author at a table in Vegas, accompanied by a tentative daughter.

In the book “Dans le livre” Hayes demands this brief encounter with Solen for her 12-year-old girl and her friends at a boys’ group party. Cela a été révélé later, later, lorsqu’il a vu Solène faire la Queue pour la rencontre, il murmuré à l’oreille de son camarade de groupe: “Je veux juste lui baiser la bouche. »

The film takes a moins sordide approach, organizing the full encounter of D’Izzy’s minion of the loins. In both the book and the film, Solen is not a fan of the boy group. Elle Emmen Izzi and his friends are reunited with Augustus Moon, who appears to be the former unfaithful Maria who was affondre à la dernière at the last minute. Due to the change in age in the film, this line is incorrect: 16-year-old Izzie found August Moon “in her seventh year.”

In the film, Solen invaded Hayes’ caravan with VIP toilets in mind. And it’s a charming story that asks, in 24-year-old fashion, “Do you know your way around an ensemble? » Quickly, the trap is equipped with a cloak and will slip out of the door. A few hours later, he returns to the fan party, flirting and throwing questions. Pendant on the tête poster of “Augustus Moon”, Hayes announces: “J’ai rencontré quelqu’un ce soir” and lui dédie la chanson du groupe, “Cler”.

Hayes Campbell is not a Harry Styles fanfic

Meme when the film Hayes is a British holiday with patchwork tattoos may not be a style solution. Hayes’ characterization in the book is based on a fan-created sexual image of Stiles, which in retrospect appears in fan fiction. Heureusement pour les téléspectateurs, Hayes de Showalter et Westfeldt is a real boy bander. Tout d’abord, he’s dancing.

After Solen and Hayes finally find love in the film, the film moves on to Hayes, the room service supervisor. In one of the most charming scenes of the film, he met the dancer and sous-veteres with dogs de poulet, reunited with Solène – quelque chose qui n’arriverait never in his life. Showalter and Westfeldt’s competencies provide an added dimension to the characters, and the charisma of the main characters is not credible.

Film Hayes est un gars dont la grande peur est de venir une blague pour les gens, pas de laisser son ADN sur une fille mineure. Yes, this is the actual conversation Solen and Hayes have in the book.

Izzy finds out about this… and the ending is radically different.

“The Romance of Solen and Hayes” is complex in the style of fois dans le livre et dans le movie lorsqu’Izzy – et le monde – le découvrent.

In the book “Izzy panics, trying to find Solen and Hayes, the car elle a 12 ans et croit être amoureuse de lui.” In the film, Hayes is not a meme, who was Prefer D’Izzi among the garçons of Augustus Moon. After much comfort and Izzy’s return to her father, she took in Solen and Hayes’ relative to become a victim of bullying at school.

It is this meme incident that is the breaking point for Solen in the book and the film: a group of older girls demand from Izzy a photo of Hayes’ “bite”, and they are next to the demand “dire à sa mère qu ‘il a presque 18 ans’. After a later reunion with Hayes in Japan, Solen finally separated and returned to her life at the gallery and to Izzy.

In the film, this Izzy plus age plus solidarity. A New Romantic Night will take place during the day when Solen returns to Izzy’s camp – after Solen goes on vacation with Hayes. Izzy understands that Solen will quickly die, but he will quickly forgive. She encouraged me when my mother had another chance, like Hayes, and he heard her: “Pourquoi romprais-tu avec une feministate Talentueuse et gentille?!” »

In any case, le harcèlement de Solène et d’Izzy par les fangs de Hayes et les camarades de classe d’Izzy – ce qui est le même que dans le livre – deviant trop difficile pour leur famille. Solen broke up with Hayes in a new way. Il suggère compendant que dans cinq ans, une fois qu’Izzy sera à l’université et qu’elle “vivra sa meilleure vie”, he has no other chance in a love story.

While in the book Solen makes a choice between his love life and the life of his child, the film does not necessarily return to this situation. Le Roman Comprend de nombreux commentaires severes sur les femmes agées qui deviennent invisible et se termina avec le retour de l’heroïne in a quiet existence for the protection of her meme and her family.

The film rejects the theme of “invisibility”, perhaps because Hathaway (qui produit également) is located in this loin. All of the book’s attempts to convey a late-19th-century feminist message are built toward an ending that asserts that mères are not open to anyone. But the end of the film resists the idea of ​​the mother making a choice between happiness and the heavenly eyes of her children. You can get gars (celèbre) and a stable childhood for your children – du moins in films.

The Idea of ​​You debuts on Amazon Prime Video on May 2.

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