Covid-19 cases have doubled and CLM has the second highest rate of respiratory infections.

Infections caused by COVID-19 The number continues to rise and has doubled in two weeks, with the benchmark rising from 26 cases per hundred thousand inhabitants to 55, and the impact of hospitals is small, although higher than the impact of other respiratory viruses such as influenza or bronchiolitis.

This is evidenced by the weekly reports of the Surveillance System for Acute Respiratory Infections (Sivira) of the National Epidemiological Center of the Carlos III Institute of Health.

From May 13 to May 26, the number of hospitalizations related to or related to Covid-19 infection increased from 1.8 to 2.2 cases per hundred thousand inhabitants, that is, it is on a normal scale, but significantly exceeds the number of hospitalizations caused, for example, by influenza . (0.1 for the above-mentioned share of residents).

The incidence of influenza, which is at a basal level after an intense peak in January, has registered fluctuations in recent months and, in particular, has doubled in the last two weeks, increasing from 3.9 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants to 7.5.

However, primary care and hospital tests to detect Covid-19 infection show that 12 out of every 100 tests carried out, mainly among citizens over 60 years of age or vulnerable, are positive for this viral infection, compared with 1 in 100 flu tests. .

Behind the endemic wave of Covid-19 in recent weeks are Omicron’s JN.1 line and BA.2.86 subline, which have been gaining popularity around the world in recent months and which the World Health Organization has written to pharmaceutical companies about. adapt your vaccines.

Respiratory infections are increasing

Regarding the average incidence of all respiratory infections in Spain, Covid-19 and, to a lesser extent, influenza have caused fluctuations in this indicator.

In two weeks, the incidence increased from 428 to 465 cases per hundred thousand inhabitants, with hospital exposure due to acute infection fluctuating for several weeks, and now falling slightly from 15 to 13.2 cases per above-mentioned proportion of inhabitants.

The Canary Islands (799), Castile-La Mancha (744), Valencian Community (588), Madrid (542) and Cantabria (509) are the communities with the highest rates of transmission of respiratory diseases caused by viruses.

According to the health services of the autonomous districts, in the field of primary health care there has been an increase in the incidence of Covid-19 along with other viruses that spread with temperature changes, but an atypical increase in bacterial pneumonia has also been detected, the BBC reports. it is difficult to quantify because Sivira’s weekly reports do not include this data.

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