Daniel Noboa criticizes Bukele, Petro and Miley and picks the Latin American president who infuriates him the most

Ecuador’s President, Daniel Noboa (EFE/Julio Estrella)

The President of Ecuador, Daniel NoboaBelieves that the Latin American president he feels most connected with is a Brazilian Luiz Inacio Lula da Silvawhile he looks at the Colombian Gustavo Petro As “a left wing idiot“, for Salvadorans Nayib Bukele As “ArrogantAnd for Argentina Xavier Miley ,Narcissism“, According to a report published this Monday by the American magazine the new Yorker,

report prepared during a series of various meetings A work he did with Noboa between March and April Profile of Latin America’s youngest presidentThe the perception you have about yourself in the declared “war” against organized crime gangs and their impression of their counterparts in the region.This note is media coverage by a journalist who followed him during that time.

When asked about the current president of Latin America with whom he feels most connected, Noboa named Lula and recalled that she had met him 15 years ago in Mexico during a meeting of businessmen organized by the magnate Carlos Slim,

Noboa said he sees Colombian Gustavo Petro as “a left-wing snob” (EFE/Ernesto Guzman)

About this PetroEcuador’s ruler describes Colombian president as “a left wing idiot“, although he acknowledged that”He’s smart, but he can’t do anything,

About this mileyNoboa had also believed this till now No qualifications shown As President.”I don’t know why he thinks it’s so good.He has accomplished nothing since he took office. He seems full of himself, which, by the way, is very Argentinian.“Noboa said of the Argentine head of state, according to the quoted statements the new Yorker,

by referring to BukeleAccording to the words quoted by the magazine, Noboa assured, with whom he has been repeatedly compared for his pioneering policy against criminal gangs and the militarization of prisons, that “The man is egotistical and only wants to seize power for himself and make his family rich,

About Miley, Noboa said: “I don’t know why he thinks he’s so good. He hasn’t achieved anything since he took office. He seems full of himself, which is very Argentine.” (EFE/Borja Sanchez-Trillo)

Noboa, who attended the presidential inaugurations of both Miley and Bukele, has always tried to distance himself from comparisons with the Salvadoran president by arguing that his government’s plan has more axes to grind than just security and the fight against organised crime mafias.

When reminded that Bukele had for some time described himself on social networks as “the quietest dictator in the world”, the Ecuadorian head of state replied “Yes, but a country the size of Guayas (the coastal province of Ecuador whose capital is Guayaquil).

About the President of Chile Gabriel BoricNoboa believed that “Everything Feels Right (With Him)“But according to the new Yorker regretted it The corset has been by his far-left allies. “This is a problem I don’t have,” the Ecuadorian president said.

About Nayib Bukele, Noboa said: “The man is arrogant and only wants to control power for himself and make his family rich” (EFE/Bienvenido Velasco)

will be headquartered in Ecuador Ibero-American SummitMeeting place between the heads of state and government of the region, whom the host country must invite to visit the southern Andean city of Cuenca.

The foreign policy of the Noboa administration has been strongly marked by the attack on the Mexican embassy in Quito in April to arrest Jorge Glas, who was Rafael Correa’s vice president (2007-2017) and for whom an arrest warrant was issued by a judge, an episode that led Mexico to break relations with Ecuador.

(With information from EFE)

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