debuts, couple, child… ce qu’il faut savoir sur l’actrice

After the success of the film “La Vie Adele” (2013) by Abdellatif Kechisha, Adele Exarchopoulos became one of the actresses of French cinema. Get back to your debuts, to your parks, and to your employees, as well as your professional employees.

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She is partially. In 2023, Adele Exarchopoulos will release six films on the poster: “I will see all your faces” – pour lequel elle est nommée aux Césars -, “Passages”, “Un métier sérieux”, “Le regne Animal”, “Voleses”. and “Nouveau Riche”. Rien que ca. And this is without the participation of a computer (vocals) in the animated film “Elementary”. At this last moment she becomes the coquelouche of French cinema. Ce qui l’a propellée, c’est évidemment le succès de “La vie d’Adele” (2013), d’Abdellatif Kechiche. Depuis, she was not a favorite, and this is a part for a longer time.

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Adele Exarchopoulos at the 2021 Cannes Film Festival

Adele Exarchopoulos at the 2021 Cannes Film Festival

© Sispeo/SIPA

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D’où vient Adele Exarchopoulos?

Adele Exarchopoulos is not in Paris, not at all just FrenchMarin Nike et al. French father of Greek descent, Didier Exarchopoulos. He also bears a Greek name: “My father’s name (Exarchopoulos) means the girl of a child, a man who enjoyed it”, at-elle glissé in an interview according to Thierry Ardisson, sur le plato de l’émission “Salut les terriens”, in 2016 year. Son père n’était pas si loin de la vérité: “exarch” means “gouverneur” and “poulos” “fils de”, Exarchopoulos peut donc can be translated as “fille de gouverneur”, lui indiqué l’animateur.

If perhaps you have difficulty pronouncing the words, Adele Exarchopoulos will not be able to say her mother’s name, and it will be “pir” under which her son’s name will be. Elle n’a pas non plus voulu prendre de pseudo. ” About an essay about how I changed my name in the movie “Rafl” when I was little : “Tiens, you devrais t’appeler Adelle Exar.” Je trouvais ça presque cool “, at-elle confié à ” Paris match “, in 2021. “Mais mon père a fait un Scandale et dit : “Sorry ? Persona won’t change my girlfriend’s name ! Movie or not, this is the son !” »

Commentary by Adèle Exarchopoulos at-elle été Repérée ?

Adele Exarchopoulos began studying with theater and improvisation course at 9 years old. And this was done to promote the troupe’s performance on Kehl Street, and this is a repeat of the artistic agent in 2000. Elle alors began on tour, in parallel with the school course. This is a casting video (raté) for the film with Jean Rochefort, allowing you to highlight and enjoy the moyen-métrage of Jean-Charles Huet “Martha” (2005). At the tournament, he met Denis Plana, an acting agent, a young man from the series “RIS Scientific Police” (2006).

Elle enchaîné with “Boxes” (2006), Jane Birkin, “Children of Timpelbach” (2007) Nicolas Bari, “Rafl” (2010) Roslyn Bosch and others. After receiving her bachelor’s degree – in one moment, in her confidence – Adele Exarchopoulos receives preference in all castings and tournaments that can be taken in the exam. And this is the moment when I met Adbellatif Kechiche, director of The Life of Adele (2013).

Pourquoi son personnage dans “La vie d’Adele” porte son prénom?

What is not evidence: Abdellatif Kechiche this is not the best rendezvous with Adele Exarchopoulos before his starring role as the son of the cinematic adaptation of the Roman graphic novel Le bleu est une couleur chaude by Jules Marot. “I need Adellatif Kechiche from my interlocutor at the Belleville bar. I can’t find a very interesting thing, and silence is established. Je me suis d’abord sendie déboussolée mais j’ai vite compris que c’était sa façon de me tester”, at-elle raconté au” New observations “, in 2013.

“Nous avons pris d’autres rendez-vous et nous avons Begincé à nous confier. I’m not ignoring what I’m doing, but most of all I don’t know where the situation is and I can’t unite the candidates. “Je savais seulement que je voulais par-dessus tout ce role,” continued Adèle Exarchopoulos. Et puis un jour, Abdellatif Kechiche in the decade. “He ordered a citron tart and à sa façon de la manger, je suis dit: ‘c’est elle’,” in a conversation at the Cannes Film Festival.

Adele Exarchopoulos and Léa Seydoux in the film “La Vie Adèle” (2013) by Abdellatif Kechiche

Adele Exarchopoulos and Léa Seydoux in the film “La Vie Adèle” (2013) by Abdellatif Kechiche


A subordinate of Adele Exarchopoulos, Abdellatif Kechiche reimagined the character – which appealed to Clementine in Roman graphics – and the film as the actress’s son. “Je crois que c’est ce qui l’a aidée à fusionner avec son personnage et moi aussi avec elle,” I explained. A tournament between Mars and the fall of 2012, “The Life of Adele” became the presentation for the premiere of the 2013 Cannes Film Festival or the report for the Palme d’Or. De quo propeller Career of Adele Exarchopoulos.

What awards do you receive?

If you are a visitor to the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival, do not miss out on the films that are selling, Steven Spielberg, President of the Jury in 2013, on demand exception so the actresses Adele Exarchopoulos and Léa Seydoux are partners in la recompense (superior) with Abdellatif Kechiche.

Adele Exarchopoulos and Léa Seydoux were awarded the Palme d'Or along with Abdellatif Kechiche at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival.

Adele Exarchopoulos and Léa Seydoux were awarded the Palme d’Or along with Abdellatif Kechiche at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival.

© Lionel Sironno / AP / SIPA

Her performance in “The Life of Adele” allows Adele Exarchopoulos to receive names and awards all over the world. In France in 2014, she performed at the prestigious César du meilleur espoir feminin award ceremony. After that she is there. names two Caesars : in 2022 for the prize for best actress in a supporting role in the film “Mandibles” (2020) by Quentin Dupieux and in 2023 for the prize for best actress in the film “Rien à foutre” (2021) by Emmanuel Marre. This year she will play in the film “Best Cesar” in the second role in Jeanne Herry’s play “I Believe in Your Views” (2023).

What, Adele Exarchopoulos was in a couple?

“Je suis tombée amoureuse sur le Tournage…” admits Adèle Exarchopoulos in “ Monday “in the spirit of “The Life of Adele”. “Il s’appelle Jeremie Laherte, he is an excellent actor. » Ils sont restés ensemble jusqu’en 2016, before the actress became a regular rapper Dooms, from the son of Vrain Mamadou Coulibaly. Ils se sont separés peu de temps apres la naissance de leur enfant, Ismael, in April 2017 Enfant dont elle a la garde: “Je vis seule avec mon fils, mais il voit son papa, j’ai mon père qui m’ aide.” J’habite dans l’immeuble de ma meilleure amie, qui m’aide beaucoup aussi…”, detailed in Paris Match 2021.

Adele Exarchopoulos and Jeremy Laertes in New York in 2014.

Adele Exarchopoulos and Jeremy Laertes in New York in 2014.

© Evan Agostini/AP/SIPA

Adele Exarchopoulos, sa vie de maman

While in her grave, Adele Exarchopoulos takes a break from her acting career. “J’avais two tournaments that kept me from what I cannot do when I sous that j’étais enceinte parce que je n’étais pas assurée”, at-elle Expliqué sur le Plat de “C à vous “, in 2019. “Je me suis dit: “Je ne peux pas rien faire pendant 9 months, il faut que je travaille.” Du coup j’ai appelé mon père qui travaille à Bercy et je lui ai dit: “Il faut que tu me fasses revenir là-bas.” » Elle a donc repris son vacancy: sandwich seller.

After the birth of my son, the jambon-ber finally appeared. Adele Exarchopoulos will repeat the tournaments in parallel with mothers Day. ” The child has a great responsibility “, at-elle glisse dans l’émission “Les rencontres du Papotin”, in 2024. “Je l’ai eu peu jeune, je n’avais que 23 ans. (…) Ce qui donne un sens à ma vie, c’est beaucoup mon fils. Respect for my children is not the great feeling of my life. Des fois, que je me dis: “Mais qu’est-ce que je faisais avant quand il n’était pas la? Pour qui, pourquoi je faisais les chooses?” This is the answer to my questions, my son, these are the feelings of my life. »

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