Dina Boluart in China: the son of the director of the Apurimac Club and his partner attended a dinner with Xi Jinping

Sadji Olazabalson of a director of Apurimac Departmental Club -The association, which Dina Boluart chaired between 2017 and 2021-, attended, together with her partner, Magdalena councilor Ana Ocaña, the same dinner in which the head of state met with the leader of the Chinese regime, Xi Jinping,

According to a report released this Monday by BunkerThe two received invitations in their respective names to attend the event held at the Golden Hall of the Great Palace of the People in Beijing at 6:00 pm last June 28. Ocaña requested a leave of absence until July 5 and posted photos of the dinner, including pictures of the dishes served.

The strategic communications and press secretary of the President’s Office, Jean Pazuello, declared on a journalism portal that he did not know the people involved and said that the official delegation that accompanied Boluarte was composed of 17 people. “I don’t know who they are, I haven’t seen them, they are not in the official commission. Businessmen and other people who were part of an external delegation have gone and done other activities in which I did not participate,” he indicated.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for its part, stated that it was “not aware that these people have visited the Asian country”, although it assured that they did not travel with a public budget. Juan OlazabalAccording to the report, Sadji’s father, a member of Renovación Popular, was the former mayor of La Victoria and president of the Apurimac Club, when Boluart was part of the board of directors as a member.

Ocaña did not comment on his publications or the reason for attending the dinner. The journalist questioned, “If he took care of his travel expenses and tickets, how did he get to the Chinese government palace?” Juliana Oxenfordhost of the program.

Boluarte was accused of serving as president of the Apurimac Club while she was vice president and Minister of Development for Pedro Castillo (2021-2022); however, in 2022, the Subcommittee on Constitutional Charges of Congress filed a complaint requesting her disqualification.

Although Article 126 of the Constitution states that the minister cannot perform any public function except legislative function, Congressman Edgar Raymundo (Together for Democratic Change-Peru), who prepared the final report, indicated that the now-ruler had no function of managing the club, but of regularizing the registration, which he was obliged to comply with by order of the National Superintendent of Customs and Tax Administration (SUNET) and the Municipality of Lima.

President Dina Boluert with her Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping. | Presidency

Boluert ended his visit to China this Saturday, the official agenda of which ended with a meeting with Xi Jinping, in which new cooperation agreements between the two countries were signed. Before meeting with the Chinese leader, the president met with Zhao Leji, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, and Prime Minister Li Qiang.

The trip included stops in Shenzhen in the south and Shanghai in the east, where he opened an exhibition and met executives from Huawei, BYD and Cosco Shipping, a company leading the construction of the Chanke megaport.

This is Boluart’s sixth trip abroad since he began his administration and the first time he has traveled abroad this year after a seven-month break. For this latest outing, The state spent S/523,419.

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