Does watermelon act as natural Viagra?

Watermelon is a staple seasonal fruit in the Mediterranean diet because it helps hydrate the body. It is a food with low energy density and high water content, a source of fiber and vitamin C.

Vitamin C contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system and the normal formation of collagen in blood vessels.bones, cartilage, gums, teeth and skin, helps absorb iron from food, reduces fatigue and protects cells from oxidative damage thanks to its antioxidant capacity,” CuídatePlus details. Manuel Mognino, President of the General Council of Chartered Colleges of Dietitians (Cgcodn). The expert adds thatFor its part, potassium helps maintain blood pressure at a normal level, as well as the normal functioning of muscles and the nervous system.

Besides all these benefits, there is one more that is rumored: effectiveness of watermelon as natural Viagra. But is this belief true? “Possible effects on blood vessel dilation have been investigated due to the high citrulline content., although there are not enough reliable clinical studies to support this,” replies Mognino, who explains that citrulline is the amino acid from which arginine is formed. According to the specialist, “it interferes with the synthesis of nitric oxide, a substance with high vasodilatory properties, which is associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and whose chemical nature resembles drugs used to treat erectile dysfunction.

However, the nutritionist clarifies that the studies examining this effect used a high concentration of watermelon, which is very difficult (if not impossible) to obtain through normal consumption as part of a healthy diet. On the other side, Citrulline is concentrated in the peel, a part that is not very attractive to eat.. “In addition, this substance is found in much higher quantities in fish and shellfish,” he points out.

Carmen Vidal Professor of Nutrition and Bromatology at the University of Barcelona and member of the board of directors of the Spanish Society of Nutrition (SEÑ) reports that there are citrulline tablets intended to treat erectile dysfunction. However, “the doses in watermelon are completely insufficient, much lower than the amount of these additives.”

Watermelon does not promote weight gain

Neither watermelon nor any other seasonal fruit will contribute to weight gain in people who consume them regularly if they eat a healthy diet. “In fact, fruits in general and vegetables are generally low in calories, while any soft drink, sweetened dairy products, baked goods or any meat products contain much more calories and energy than any fruits and vegetables,” Mognino points out.

Finally, Vidal points out that The mistake that fruits make you fat may arise from the advice to remove them from dessert and eat them before the rest of the meal.. This recommendation is due to the fact that, firstly, fruit consumption is guaranteed; and secondly, “because the presence of fiber and water enhances the satiety effect.”

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