Dollar today, blue dollar today: how much is it trading this Wednesday, June 12

Today’s dollar quote

8.32 | Dollar: Latest price for MEP, BLUE, CCL and OFFICIAL.

In anticipation of the markets opening this Wednesday, June 12th, these were dollar quotes in its own way exchange rates On the last working day, last Tuesday, the 11th:

  • Blue Dollar: $1,295.
  • MEP dollar: $1,276.38.
  • Dollar CCL: $1,302.12.
  • Official dollar: $938.37.
  • Euro: 1012.22 US dollars.
  • Tourist dollar: $1,501.39.

8.08 | Where can you buy dollars?

V Argentinathere are several options to achieve US currency directly and indirectly through banks, bag and platforms exchange.

In this note NATION You can check out the various current alternatives for dollarizeconsidering options price.

7.41 | What did Louis Caputo say about the PAIS tax?

The Minister of Economy stated this in an exclusive interview with the publication. Cornice according to LN+, that the government intends reduce taxes in the COUNTRYuntil Basic Law in Congress. “The President has already stated this if Basic Law We’re going to repeal this PAIS tax increase. We are going to reduce it from 17.5% to 7.5%. This will be a new step down in terms of inflation. The PAIS tax is a huge problem,” he said. It is worth clarifying that this change will apply to the quotation that applies in import.

Louis Caputo's income is undergoing a major overhaul

7.00 | Blue dollar today: what price did it close at?

This Tuesday Dollar blue resumed his way up and was in US$1295 (in some places in the city it cost $1,300). The rise in prices is due to several factors, including the anticipation of consideration of the Basic Law, which will be presented this Wednesday in the Senate. For now, Porotheo claims that approval of the ruling party’s emblem project, if it takes place, will be very difficult.


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