Donald Trump was slightly injured after being shot during a campaign event in Pennsylvania

Former US President Donald Trump was slightly injured this Saturday at a pre-campaign event held in Pennsylvania, where he emerged with blood on his face after being shot by an unknown man who was “neutralized” by security forces.

Trump himself mentioned this incident through his social network Truth Socialwhere he “thanked the United States Secret Service and all law enforcement for their swift response to the shooting” and expressed his “Condolences to the family of the deceased Also to the family of another person who was seriously injured in the protest.

The Republican described in first person how he was shot with a bullet that grazed the upper part of his right ear. “I immediately knew something was wrong because I heard a whistle, gunfire and immediately felt the bullet go through my skin.There was a lot of bleeding, so I realized what was happening,” he added.

“It is unbelievable that such an act could happen in our country”He confirmed that “the shooter is now dead”, although “nothing further” is known about him.

Earlier, US Secret Service communications chief Anthony Guglielmi gave this information in a statement “An incident occurred at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania on the night of July 13” and that the Secret Service had implemented relevant protective measures.

“The former president is safe. “This is now an active Secret Service investigation and more information will be released as it becomes available,” the note said.

In parallel, Steven Cheung, a spokesman for the Republican candidate, assured that Trump is fine Thanks to the “quick action” of law enforcement and emergency services “during the course of this brutal act” and was being examined at a local medical centre, where he was discharged a few hours later.

Suspected “neutralization”

At least one person was killed and one seriously injured in the incident and police sources have confirmed that the main suspect in the shootout is the same has been “neutralized”,

“An audience member and the shooter are dead after shots were fired at former President Donald Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania”Butler County District Attorney Richard Goldinger said a second bystander was in critical condition.

The same sources have reported that the person who shot Trump was likely on the roof of a building outside the venue where the event was being held; About 120 or 150 meters from the politicianAccording to a situation analysis prepared by CNN based on reports received.

still, Many details are still unknown regarding the incident.its authors, its motivations and its victims. In this sense, the Speaker of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson has promised to conduct a “full investigation into the tragic events”.

“The American people deserve to know the truth. He concluded, “We will bring Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle and other appropriate officials from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the FBI to hearings before our committees as soon as possible.”

Assassination attempts

The FBI has described the incident as an assassination attempt against the former president and has appealed to the public to share any information that could help in the investigation as they continue. “Work is being done diligently to identify the person who did this and the reasons why it was done.”

“This afternoon, we had what we call an assassination attempt against our former president, Donald Trump. This is still an active crime scene,” Special Agent in Charge Kevin Rojek of the FBI Pittsburgh Field Office said at a news conference.

For his part, Lieutenant Colonel George Bivens of the Pennsylvania State Police said that a shooter has been “tentatively identified”, but he assured that their work will not end here because they are “Keeping track of a lot of information” And the question of who was responsible for the shooting “will take some time for them to answer conclusively”.

However, Bivens has currently guaranteed that “There is no reason to believe any other threats exist.”

Obviously, Trump hid under his podium with his hands on his neck before being escorted out place by security services.

Biden prays for Trump

Rather than being horrified by what happened, Trump’s advisers have said he Looking forward to the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee Scheduled for next week.

“President Trump looks forward to joining all of you in Milwaukee as we move forward with our convention to nominate him as the 47th president of the United States. As our party’s nominee, the president “Trump will continue to share his vision of making America great again.” reads a press release.

After the incident, Mohd. President Joe Biden has reached out to his predecessor in office And he has announced he will return to Washington to “continue to receive briefings from law enforcement” rather than spend the weekend in Delaware as planned.

“I have been informed of shots fired at Donald Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania”Biden said in a post on the social network

The Democratic candidate for re-election also expressed his and First Lady Jill Biden’s gratitude to the nation’s Secret Service. “To keep her safe” and called on all Americans to come together “as one nation” to condemn the aggression.

In addition to several Republican senators, the former Democratic president has also spoken out on the matter. Barack Obama, who reiterated the idea put forward by Biden that there is “absolutely no place for political violence” in American Democracy.

“Although we still don’t know what really happened“We should all feel relieved that former President Trump has not been seriously injured and this should be a moment to recommit to civility and respect in our politics,” he said, wishing him a “speedy recovery.”

International condemnation

Messages of support have also been pouring in from the international community, whose leaders have thrown their support behind the former president, Refutation of the attack and criticizing such acts of violence Pedro Sanchez.

Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu said he was “shocked by the clear attack on President Trump” and assured him that “he will pray for his safety and his speedy recovery”; as did Hungary’s Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán, who said his “thoughts and prayers are with President Donald Trump in these difficult hours.”

For his part, the President of Argentina, Xavier Miley has expressed “all (his) support and solidarity” through the same platform. for the candidate, “the victim of a cowardly assassination attempt that has put his life and the lives of hundreds of people at risk”, advocating for “fair, peaceful and democratic” elections.

“The desperation of the international left, which today sees the end of its destructive ideology, is not surprising.and is willing to destabilize democracy and promote violence to bring themselves to power. Fearful of losing elections, they resort to terrorism to implement their regressive and authoritarian agenda,” he said, in line with Abascal.

Thus, the Argentine Presidency has taken advantage of the opportunity “Reaffirm your unwavering commitment to the defense of freedomdemocracy and Western values”, and “call on the international community to unite in the fight against the enemies of freedom.”

Also from the Latin American continent, the President of Brazil, Lula da Silva described the incident as “unacceptable” and claimed that “the attack against the former president (…) must be strongly rejected by all defenders of democracy and dialogue in politics.”

“Regardless of what happens, we reject what happened to former President Donald Trump”Mexican Andrés Manuel López Obrador has joined in, saying “the violence is irrational and inhuman.”

Abascal’s harsh words

The leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal has condemned the attack This Saturday, former US President Donald Trump railed against the “global left” which, in his opinion, encourages these types of violent acts and regretted the presence of “this left” in the Spanish government.

“Thank God Donald Trump survived the assassination attempt”Abascal expressed in a publication on his account on the social network

In this regard, the Vox leader described it as follows: “Horrible” that in Spain “the worst version of this left” reignsIn reference to the Coalition Executive led by Pedro Sánchez.

“Right now they will be deeply sorry that the murderer failed”Abascal predicted at the end of the above publication.

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