Don’t be alarmed, but be attentive, call from Rector Lilia Zedillo regarding the bird flu virus.

When the first case of infection with the avian influenza A H5N2 virus was registered in Mexico, the rector of BUAP, Lilia Zedillo Ramirez, called on the population not to panic, but to remain vigilant so as not to get sick. He recommended wearing masks, sleeping well and doing physical activity to have a strong immune system.
In an interview with the program “De eso de Fácil” on TVBUAP, Dr. Zedillo explained that the H5N1 virus caused severe infections in birds in many parts of the world, mainly in Asia, just over 10 years ago. He recalled that to prevent the spread of the virus among birds, sanitary fences are being installed at the republican level.
“What’s happening now with H5N2? The mode of infection of the first case, which occurred this year, is not yet known as the patient is not known to have had contact with any birds, suggesting it was human contact. – the rector noted.
He said the most vulnerable group are people with predisposing diseases such as diabetics and hypertensives, as they suffer from another disease due to which their immune system does not function 100 percent and cells are more likely to become infected.
Additionally, he mentioned that the influenza virus is commonly found in birds: “Let’s remember that there are migratory birds that leave behind feces that can infect other birds, or some food that other animals consume; This is how the so-called bird flu virus spreads.”
He explained that the avian influenza A H5N2 virus is of animal origin, as indicated by the letter A; The letters H and N refer to proteins present in the virus, hemagglutinin and neuraminidase. Its transmission occurs between animals. He also emphasized that influenza viruses are characterized by very rapid mutation.

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