Drastic changes in the weather across Spain

After a few days with very high maximum temperatures, the passage of DANA (detached depression at high level) has caused instability in almost the entire peninsula, which has brought rain, storms and a drop in the thermometer of more than 10 degrees during the election weekend.

For example, in Aranjuez (Madrid Community), the maximum temperature this Saturday is only 28 degrees, while yesterday it was more than 38. In Villanueva de los Infantes (Ciudad Real), the thermometers will reach a maximum of 27 degrees, while yesterday they were more than 37, and in Villanueva del Arzobispo (Jaén) today the temperatures will drop by almost ten degrees.

DANA entered the Gulf of Cádiz yesterday afternoon and moved northeast, causing a significant change in the climate of the peninsula with notable thermal drops and generalized atmospheric instability, generating rain and storms in many areas at the end of the week.

Thirteen communities are on alert for rain and storms

This brings the map of the peninsula to this Saturday, a day of reflection for the European elections, with eight autonomous communities placed on orange alert due to a significant risk of rain and / or storms, something that will improve somewhat tomorrow, Sunday.

According to the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet), during this day points in Aragon are on orange and yellow alert; Castile and Leon; Castilla La Mancha; Murcia Region; Foral Community of Navarra; Basque Country; La Rioja and the Valencian Community. In many of these areas, storms could also occur accompanied by hail and very strong gusts of wind.

The regions of Galicia, Extremadura, Cantabria, Asturias and Andalusia are on yellow alert (of low intensity) due to the risk of rain and storms. The latter is due to the risk of rain, wind and coastal events.

High temperatures continue in Huesca and Lleida

Due to the high temperatures, also in yellow, the regions of Aragon, especially the south of Huesca, and Catalonia, Lleida, appear on this Saturday’s map. Although the heat has subsided considerably in most of the country, both in Huesca and Lleida the thermometer is expected to reach 36 degrees today. Zaragoza, although it is not on heat alert, will also reach 35 degrees.

DANA is expected to move today following a trajectory from southwest to northeast of the peninsula, leaving the peninsula tomorrow, Sunday. Starting on Monday, an Atlantic trough is likely to affect the region, increasing instability until mid-next week.

Election Day Notice Map Improvements

The forecast is that only the regions of Aragon will remain on orange alert due to the significant risk of rain – the warning will fade throughout Sunday – and will remain on yellow alert due to the risk of wind and storms. Castilla y Leon, Catalonia, the Foral Community of Navarra, the Basque Country and La Rioja will be under yellow warnings for rain and storms. However, the warnings will not last all day, pending adjustments to Aemet’s weather forecasts.

Although there has been an improvement, volatility continues on Sunday

Although it will improve, Sunday is expected to be a day of instability on the peninsula and the sky will be cloudy, although there will be a tendency to clear skies during the day. Rain is expected in the northern part with thunderstorms, more intense in the north-east quadrant, where it is likely to be locally strong, especially in the eastern end of the Cantabrian Sea. It is unlikely that they will affect Galicia and will stop by the morning from west to east, except in Catalonia and the north-east of the Cantabrian Sea, where more intense weather is expected.

No rainfall is expected in the southern part of the peninsula, except for some weak and occasional showers in areas of the southwest and southeast mountain ranges. Towards the end of the day, a new disturbance will enter from the west, bringing rainfall to the central western peninsula and western Castilla y Leon.

In the Balearic Islands, it will be partly cloudy, with increasing cloud cover that may bring occasional rain. In the Canary Islands, it will be partly cloudy and more relaxed, with some light rain or occasional showers expected on the islands.

Temperatures will decrease in general, especially in the northeastern third of the peninsula, and will increase on the coasts of the Valencian Community and western Galicia. 34 degrees will only be exceeded in the depressions of the Lower Júcar and the Lower Segura.

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