“Earlier your work was important, now it is important.”

Intermediate joins once again mikael aystranone who reports on news from the front lines war in gaza, El Intermedio correspondents report that, upon their return to the border with Gaza four months later, “the situation was apparently normal.” However, he points out that “in the background, there are constant explosions, fighter planes passing to drop bombs, and artillery firing.”

The journalist has visited one of the Kibbutz attacked by Hamas and points out that there are families who are returning “little by little” and that “there is debate over whether they were left as a kind of memorial after the attack or began to rebuild Go.” Also, remember that journalists on the other side of the border with Gaza “after 4 months we still can’t enter,

But Withdrawal of funds to UNRWA from many countries As for the alleged involvement of some of its staff in Hamas attacks, Ayestraan explains that, for Israel, this UN agency “has always been part of the problem rather than the solution, because it protects the right Return of Palestinian refugees On their land.”

The correspondent comments that the agency has “13,000 staff and basic services inside the Gaza Strip Health care and education“Which, he explains, “should give in to Israel as an occupying power.” He also remembers “what it would mean to be left without the United Nations’ largest agency at a time when, in practical terms Since, 2 million Gazans have lost absolutely everything”: “If their work was important until now, it is now essential,” he says.

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