ECDC warns of rising antimicrobial resistance in gonorrhea in Europe

The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) has published a report highlighting the growing threat of bacterial antimicrobial resistance (AMR). neisseria gonorrhea, known as gonococcus, responsible for gonorrhea.

According to ECDC, this “alarming trend” reflected in surveillance data, emphasizes “urgency” continuous monitoring to inform treatment recommendations and control measures, and ensure the judicious use of antimicrobials in the context of rising gonorrhea cases in Europe.

In addition, the data Surveillance of gonococcal antimicrobial susceptibility in the European Union/European Economic Area by 2022 identify the presence of two strains resistant to ceftriaxone, recommended antibiotic for treating gonorrhea. In turn, these strains have also demonstrated extensive drug resistance (XDR) and multidrug resistance (MDR), further limiting treatment options.

In 2022, 23 European countries sent 4396 isolates from patients diagnosed with gonorrhea to hospital. European Gonococcal Antimicrobial Surveillance Program (Euro-GASP). Proportion of isolates resistant to azithromycin increased significantly to 25.6 percent from 14.2 percent in 2021.

Azithromycin, often used with ceftriaxone to treat gonorrhea, is of particular concern, according to the ECDC. Resistance to ciprofloxacin has also increased, with 65.9 percent of isolates demonstrating resistance in 2022, up from 62.8 percent in 2021.

In 2022, there were 70,881 confirmed cases of gonorrhea in the EU/EEA.

“Although resistance to cefixime remains low (0.3%), it is critical to maintain surveillance, especially as cefixime- and ceftriaxone-resistant gonococcal strains are spreading throughout the world.”emphasizes ECDC.

In 2022, there were 70,881 confirmed cases of gonorrhea across the 28 EU/EEA countries. which is 48 percent more than in 2021. Notification rates in the EU/EEA in 2022 are the highest since European surveillance of sexually transmitted infections began in 2009.

Therefore, the ECDC states that while the majority of gonorrhea infections in the EU/EEA are still treatable with currently recommended antibiotics, Resistance growth trends “They are cause for concern and require greater vigilance.”

Thus, An increase in the number of resistant strains may compromise the effectiveness of existing therapeutic options. represents a major public health challenge until new therapeutic options become available.

Resistance growth trends are cause for concern

To address these challenges, ECDC recommends strengthened surveillance, continuous and expanded susceptibility monitoring to high-quality antimicrobials to rapidly identify and monitor resistance patterns, and periodic review and updating of treatment guidelines based on the latest antimicrobial resistance surveillance data to ensure control. availability of the most effective therapeutic options.

Investment in the development of new antimicrobial treatments and alternative regimens is vital to stay ahead of the evolution of resistance. secreted by the body.

Likewise, ECDC also recommends strengthen public health initiatives aimed at preventing the spread of gonorrhea, including expanding access to diagnostic services, as well as developing international cooperation to monitor and control the spread of resistant strains across borders.

In this sense, it is recommended to promote safer sexual practices, including the correct and systematic use of condoms during vaginal, anal and oral sex. “is critical to reducing transmission.”

“Screening for sexually transmitted infections and early treatment is also important.”indicates the organization, adding that “The judicious use of antimicrobials is essential to stop the development and spread of resistant strains.”. This includes following recommended treatment guidelines, Avoid unnecessary use of antibiotics, complete the full course of prescribed antibiotics, and advise patients to be retested to ensure they are cured.concludes ECDC.

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