Edmundo González Urrutia’s government plan in Venezuela: opening markets and releasing political prisoners

Edmundo González will base his electoral plan on two important ideas, the program that María Corina Machado outlined in her document Venezuela, the land of grace and the Country Plan. The opposition candidate has not yet finalized his proposals for what his next year in office in Venezuela could entail, but he has based his ideas on “achieving freedom, democracy and prosperity.” Based on these two documents, Edmundo plans to prepare his own document titled Public Policy Guidelines for the National Unity Government Program,

If he wins the electoral contest, Edmundo González will take office on January 10, 2025 and from what he has said in various interviews, such as his interview with CNN, one of his immediate actions will be to release political prisoners. Below you can review what the opposition candidate has said on the most relevant issues for Venezuela.


The opposition assured that the armed forces would not be politicised under its administration.

Guyana through Essequibo

González Urrutia would try to implement the Geneva Accords of 1966 with a negotiated solution.


The proposal is to reform the primary health care system. Although Edmundo González has not given much detail, María Corina Machado’s government plan talks about the creation of a comprehensive health system through private and public insurance that will provide universal health coverage and provide quality service to patients.


González proposes to reduce inflation, improve wages and justify the value of work so that the currency does not depreciate and the economy recovers. Its policy is in favor of free enterprise and the free market. Maria Corina Machado’s government plan mentions “comprehensive stabilization to eliminate poverty and promote the growth of the middle class.”


The opposition is demanding the privatization of the oil industry and the use of gas and clean energy. Maria Corina Machado also talks about a change in the energy model and in her speeches she emphasizes protecting the environment through her policies.

Education and Culture

The opposition candidate has talked about improving public education for equal opportunity.


One social milestone that González’s campaign marks is reuniting families that have been torn apart by migration and deportation. He also says that Venezuelans should stay in their country; in a meeting with young people he said, “We are going to create conditions so that they can develop their talents here and don’t have to leave.” The candidate has also mentioned that he will promote an effective social security system and has said that he will implement emergency social programs; although he has not given many details.

domestic policy

González Urrutia has mentioned that there will be amnesty and transitional justice processes and says that political prisoners will be released. On the other hand, the candidate has declared that he will prevent and punish corruption “through strict accountability and audit mechanisms in all state institutions”.

foreign policy

Edmundo González seeks to reestablish relations with other countries and remove Venezuela from international isolation.

Compare official plans of candidates for Venezuela 2024 presidency

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