Elections 2024 in Mexico, live | Xochitl Gálvez calls to defend the vote: “We have started the resistance to defend our democracy” | Mexican elections 2024

Xochitl Gálvez calls to defend the vote: “We have started with the resistance to defend our democracy”

Xochitl Gálvez, who supported the opposition coalition in the race for Mexico’s presidency, has announced a series of actions following his defeat in this Sunday’s elections – assuring that he will make a call to defend the vote of all Mexicans: “We have started the resistance to defend our democracy, our Constitution and our freedom,” he says in a video published on his X account.

In his presentation, which lasts about two and a half minutes, Gálvez calls on his followers to review the results to compare them with the previous electoral results program, PREP. “This message is for all those who are part of our fight. This Wednesday, June 5, the district count begins, this is the real moment where all the vote records in the country are reviewed,” he begins.

The opposition member assured that differences have been found in some polling stations between what was said in the minutes and the official results already announced by the National Electoral Institute, INE, through PREP: “I request you to please take a photo of the results that are posted where you voted and you compare them with the PREP data, if the data does not add up, send me a message here on my network with the proof, ”he says.

Gálvez has also explained that his campaign legal team has already been instructed to begin the necessary legal procedures due to the “very clear interference of the president in the electoral process, the clear use of public resources by Morena” and the high level of violence and involvement of organized crime. He has also supported his running mates, who have been in “very closed” processes in local races in some of the country’s entities, with whom he promised to work “shoulder to shoulder”.

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