Electricity prices will rise by 11% this Thursday, to 120.37 euros per MWh.

The average price of electricity on the wholesale market will rise by this Thursday 11.01%, reaching 120.37 euros per megawatt hour (MWh)compared to 108.43 euros this Wednesday. So the light reaches its highest price since October 2023This is evidenced by data from the Iberian Electricity Market Operator (OMIE).

Showers and thunderstorms what’s expected this Thursday across the peninsula will hinder photovoltaic generation are the cause of this latest increase. That is, not much energy is produced during sunny hours and therefore the average daily price increases.

Now it is at night that the maximum daytime peak will be recorded. Between nine and ten in the eveningthe price per megawatt hour is in 138 euros. Put a washing machine in its place. It will be cheaper from 12:00 to 13:00.when it will cost 107.42 euros/MWh.

On the other hand, the price of 120.37 euros/MWh this Thursday represents An increase of 10% compared to €109.4 on the same day last week.. There is also a 10.65% increase compared to 108.8 euros last month. Meanwhile, in year-on-year comparison, increases by 17.4%since on August 29 last year the price was 102.57 euros/MWh.

The increase in wholesale price affects regulated market or PVPC clientswhich are directly affected by daily price fluctuations. However, it is worth remembering that pool does not quite reflect the final amount in the price of electricity for consumers subject to the regulated tariff, since with the introduction in 2024 a new methodology for calculating PVPC was adopted, which includes a basket of prices in the medium and long term avoid strong fluctuations without losing short-term price targets that promote savings and efficient consumption.

Above the barrier of 45 euros/MWh

This Thursday the light remains above 45 EUR/MWhat least so that VAT on electricity remains at 10%. In August there were only two days during which the wholesale price was lower of this limit: 15 and 25 August, where the average price was recorded at 44.29 euros/MWh and 31.2 euros/MWh, respectively.

Two days before the end of August, it seems, for the third month in a rowIn September, the electricity bill will retain the reduced VAT rate of 10%. This tax rate He returned to the electricity bill in July of this year.following the rebound that occurred in the wholesale market in the previous month, which ended at an average of 56 euros.

The government has established this reduced rate for the whole yearalthough it did establish an exception: if the average pool price does not exceed 45 euros/MWh in a given month, then the tax will increase to 21% in the following month. In fact, From March to June this rate was set after the price of electricity falls below the barrier set by the executive authority.

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