Emilien (12 Midi Revolutions) finally announces the 11th mysterious scene: combining the euro with gold?

This is the mercery of July 17, 2024, Emilien finally met the mysterious star of July at 12 Midi Coups! Still looking forward to seeing the new window display?

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This is not the most important thing! A few weeks later, Emilien tents the reporter of “The Mysterious Star of Juillet”. If this is not enough to make the girl wait until July 11, 2024, the midi maitre d’ does not succeed in any parterre. A fait étonnant for the young man who has lost the victors in The 12 Midi Coups after September 2023.

A combination of Emilien’s achievements in a report on this mysterious school?

But today, July 17, 2024, the time has finally come to break a sans-faute lors of the Coup de maître and, in turn, suggest the pseudonym Margot Robbie: “This is the answer, the machine does not work!“It’s good,” exclaimed Jean-Luc Reichman, the programme’s animator, after d’Emilien’s victory. In the suite, the Champion began to show the index of the show:Escarpment for Barbie, baseball fight for Harley Quinn, trickery for an elephant… I’m not talking anymore, I’m a bum. Jubli, advertising!“At the end of the day, it’s all over. This is official: Emilien in the report on the 11th of this mysterious story! A new job that gives permission to obtain a showcase of cadeaux s’élevant à 32 278 €. In parallel, this victory is his cagnotte worth 1 656 100 euros.

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12 midi beats: a mysterious detail for Juliet and a difficult one for Emilien

And the young student has no merit in history! Let this Monday, July 15, 2024, come after the first question of the Coup de maître. In fact, Emilien s’était trompé en repondant.”Tick ​​and Tock “in place of”Three little cochons“A la question:”“In the famous Disney cartoon that sings: “Who invented the great mechanic?”“The mistake made before the candidacy that Jean-Luc Reichman Ebahi faced: “I convinced you that you are not with me! Sur les three petit cochons… Vous aviez tout, vous aviez des reponses de dingue!“avait launched the animator. And for the reason, Emilien savait déjà depuis plusieurs jours quelle personnalité se cachait derrière l’étoile: “I flushed, three minutes passed. J’ai eu un flash où je suis dit ‘Oh, ça colle avec 2/3 indexes, ça colle avec ce que l’on voit du Visage’. Donc j’ai une petite piste, après pas que ce soit la bonne.“Wait for the game’s July 11, 2024 debut, before Margot Robbie’s face gets less devoted:”This!“avait-il Finalement announced.

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