Emily Blunt opens the Oscars with her parents
Emily Blunt is waiting to hear from her parents at the Oscars.
The star is a lice for the best actress playing a second role for a son as a son in “Oppenheimer” and she was Emmener, the son of Marie, and her parents were with her on this day, which became the anniversary of the son-father.
She declared to the people: “Je vais emenener John (Krasinski, son of Marie, ndlr) and I expect that my parents, qui sont en quelque sorte à la recherche d’une Place, m’accompagneront. C’est l’anniversaire de mon père ce Week-end-là! I thought the children were relaxing and watching TV.”
The actress from the film “Diable s’habille en Prada” said that her son did not succeed in the encore to make it “whole”, but most of all she was a scout safe and she was prepared for this journey, which, I felt like I lasted “an eternity.”
Elle a jouté: “J’ai l’impression d’etre plus légère que l’air depuis quelques semaines. Je me sens si heureuse. Je ne sais pas si j’ai eu le temps de m’en rendre compte. Je me sens si heureuse. Sens très heureuse, comme en paix, heureuse. Je suis heureuse que nous soyons la l’un pour l’autre. et s’étendre au-delà de ce que chacun d’entre nous avait rêvé.”