Enfant Star: Demi Lovato, Parks Wars

“I am a warrior” – this is what Demi Lovato sings in her song “Warrior”, released from the album “DEMI”. A title that characterizes the personality of Demetria Devonne Lovato. Born in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in 1992, she was the only couple and parents, divorced. She leaves life with her daughter in Dallas, Texas. In 2002, starting from the stage, since 8 years old, began a career in the children’s series “Barney and Friends”. She made a copy of a new star: Selena Gomez. Passionate about music, little Demi plays the piano at the age of 7. L’année suivante, she dedicated herself to playing the guitar, dancing, and also taking courses in singing and comedy. If everything is sour, at the school, this is advertising another story. Harcelée, like her comrades, is engaged in the development of food issues. “I will continue to work in elementary schools. My kids are afraid of evil, they make me laugh. When I got to college, the girls always told me they were critical of me and told me that I was doing great”, she said, “she was one of the leaders of the Campaign Against Revolution in 2014. In an interview given to the American version of ELLE magazine, she said: “My girls never explained why they made me a harsellant. She likes “the Big One”. Now I say: “I don’t want to tell anyone how big I am.” ” She attended distance learning courses from the age of six to 12. A choice that he makes to obtain a high-quality academic degree, without having to wait until he reaches the age of 18 to pursue his career. In 2004, she released her first single, “Moves Me.” In 2007, he played an episode of the series “Prison Break,” and then the sitcom “Jordan.” Soon, she will star in the new Disney Channel miniseries “Trop la classe!”

More Lyre: Child Star: Selena Gomez, “Itinéraire d’une Résiliente”

The Camp Rock Phenomenon

Même année, audition of a young girl during a meme-trip for the Disney Channel movie “Camp Rock” and for the series “Sonny”. Demi Lovato unties two roles. She does not go out for an encore, but she will not change in life. “Camp Rock”, released on June 20, 2008, has incredible success, having collected 8.9 million viewers. Without the original song and the famous chanson “This is me”, which collected 188,000 copies of the second seventh premiere. Demi participates in a tour for the release of her son at the premiere of the album “Don’t Forget”, before the premiere of the Jonas brothers’ party, with the part where there is advertising for a musical comedy. This is the first opus-deviant disc from the United States. The star is here. But after the fate of the Fairy became a cache of reality. On Tuesday, the singer told the documentary “Demi Lovato: Dance with the Devil”: “I said this is what I am on the point of your Shocker. But when I’m a teenager… I lost my virginity to a violet.” If Demi’s name is an aggressor, she specifies that the products will only be available for 15 years after the “Camp Rock” tour. “I was a member of this Disney group,” she says. She wanted to wear her bourreau “to the temps,” the Tournament pendant.

Bulimia, self-mutilation and bipolarity

This trauma will have a huge impact on the mental health of young women. This is not the end of a teenager who did it to build sous le feu des projects and with le poids de ce qui lui est arrivée. “I do not start my career if I’m young, if I can make my choice,” confided in “Variety.” It is important that the young woman claims to want “her regret” and wants to be the same as “uncertain.” “A suspension, if you are long-term, like this model, to do what you want and make a good move when you demand that you quickly and devant le monde entier. It is very difficult, but it is a very instructive experience. I continue to decorate me again,” when she announced. Faced with other ongoing events, Demi says she is now a woman who wants to have more than one hour. The comments of his classmates are a disturbing reminder of the moments that are inconveniently close to his existence. Eating problems are getting worse. “My vomiting became serious when I started vomiting for the premiere,” she says in her documentary. Demi says she is a corpse that only became automatic when a young girl flies for 11 years. The poignets are painted on which the words “Stay” are tattooed on the poignet and “Strong” on the right in the bathroom. This rapper’s manner has never been bad. In 2011, she will be my intern in a psychiatric hospital. She will explain that scarification is the result of: “A manner to show my true colors… I think it corresponds to what I have gone through from the interior to the exterior. And here are the moments that you do not know, these are emotions.” The teenager is rolling down a hellish spiral. “Il ev des moment où je me anxieties, presque as me rampages hors de me sotto, je je ne faisais pas so, chose physique to match manners, not je me à l’inérieur, j’éclatais. I coupais pour sader mon esprit. “I don’t just know what happened”, a book published by Self Magazine, 2012. Since then, Demi Lovato has been using drugs. At this time, he had his first behavioral problems when he started to aggravate one of Alex Welch’s dances, one of the reasons for the Pérou. “I was touched by love (…) When you freeze on an airplane, it’s le déclic. (…) That’s when I sent my mother the text “I am lonely”, she explained to the American version of “ELLE”. Later, Demi Lovato is diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and the novel becomes a revelation. “Discover that you have a sense of discomfort that helps me understand. I thought I was on my tour bus on a train when I heard: “I am my general manager, but I am my failure.” Well, a few days later, it is the beginning of the world. It is becoming increasingly insensible. When this diagnosis is made, my life plus feelings will declare it.

“The lack of a relationship with my father and his impact on my life”

If Demi became great with his mother Dianna De La Garza, it is also part of the fact that the son is not a child. Patrick Lovato suffers from bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Psychological problems related to the lessons did not prevent betrayal, and they affected the relationship with the child. After giving up demons in the albums “Unbroken” and “DEMI”, the singer will choose the song that will become his father in “Confident”. The title “Father” received in 2013, the year of his birth, he was sick with cancer. “Je prie pour que tu trouves la paix, même si c’est toi qui as declenché this guerre que j’ai en moi”, chante-t-elle. “The lack of a relationship with my father and his influence on my life, when I was great, the car was not a conscious betrayal. It’s a very difficult situation,” she said in a YouTube video about the song. Add: “I’m very upset when he dies because I’m sick. He’s a mechanic, but he wants to be a good man. He likes to wear family clothes. When I was married to my boyfriend, I said: “I know what Edward does to you and why I can’t do it for you.” Write this song to this form of therapy for Demi Lovato: “I know what I can do to leave a family behind, to cause my son mental problems. Know that it doesn’t mean I can get a very sad thing. I want to write about it. It’s a kind of process.”

Relever encore and encore

Demi Lovato avoids a difficult relationship with her parents due to her early fame. In the podcast “4D with Demi Lovato” she admits: “I enjoy retrospective projects at a young age, and I love my family. I can’t wait to say “Say what you deserve to be a child star” to my parents. When he tries to punish me at 17, he says: “I pay the bills.” I smiled at my remaining teeth when I thought about this relationship. ” Elle poursuit: “At this age, when the world you met on a pedestal, you think that you have the right to everything. ” Even if it’s not so, my beauty never went away as a souvenir. In 2018, there were many of them, and they helped young women find help. She was like that and she was no longer there when she was on drugs for six years and then again, at the point of the fair, overdose and death. But that night, another drama unfolds. He was a dealer with the addition of fentanyl, which caused the overdose. In addition, she claims that she is more advanced in auraitprofité pour la violer. “When in my pipe, I’m nude, I’m blue. Il m’avait Lititteralement Laissee Pour morte Après avoir Profite de Moi”, “argue in your documentary”.

If all these fears are true, Demi Lovato is in front of the fact. Today, the young woman suffers from addiction and all its consequences. In 2015, he appeared on Vanity Fair to prove that it is possible when he accepts and wants, after a year of hating his own body. In addition to loving herself, Demi Lovato also loves what can help you find the freedom and purpose he wants. She is queer and non-binary, she uses her son’s influence to defend LGBT rights. Demi Lovato is a vanity don with inner demons and a toilet de teste “dance with the devil” that consumes. Elle livre aujourd’hui d’autres comics et n’a pas peur de le dire: “I am a warrior, I am stronger than ever. ” : “I have a warrior, I have more strength than ever.

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