Epidemiologists advocate using ‘appropriate’ mask at ‘moments’ when needed

Madrid, January 9 (EFE). – The Spanish Society of Epidemiology (SEE) on Tuesday advocated the use of an “appropriate” mask in “moments when necessary” to combat the rise of respiratory infections, as well as to solve the problem. Sick leave stops increasing the saturation of healthcare.

In connection with the current moment of increasing circulation of influenza and other respiratory diseases, the SEE would like to recall pharmacological and non-pharmacological measures that, if used correctly, can help and which should serve as lessons learned from the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Thus, it intends to increase vaccination coverage against influenza and Covid-19, maintain adequate ventilation of premises and homes, and adapt the health care system to the peaks in the incidence of “not only this year, but all seasons of respiratory viruses.”

Epidemiologists also advise “using an appropriate mask when necessary,” focusing on hand washing and hygiene, avoiding social interactions when symptoms are present, and “ensuring that sick leave does not increase healthcare saturation.”

For its part, the Spanish Society of Preventive Medicine, Public Health and Health Management (SEMPSPGS) considers face masks to be “strongly recommended” in health and social health centers, as well as in crowded indoor spaces such as cinemas, schools, universities, workplaces. or public transport, regardless of symptoms.

Public health experts suggest making mask-wearing mandatory in health centers, “limiting visits to sick patients to primary caregivers with appropriate rotation,” encouraging vaccinations and making it easier to handle mild cases.

They also call for tweaking air conditioning systems to reduce the risk of transmission of respiratory infections, “even at the cost of energy efficiency,” and moving toward a health care system based on prevention rather than response.

And they conclude by reminding that situations such as the current one “can be avoided” if a plan to respond to possible seasonal waves is approved every September, setting the levels and intensification of medical care, as well as non-pharmacological measures. interventions.

Finally, the Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians (Semergen) “deeply” regretted the measures taken by health authorities in recent days, when experts had been warning about the situation since December.

Semergen recommends the use of masks in medical centers not only for patients with symptoms, but also for those with pre-existing conditions or who are in contact with vulnerable people; In any case, he advises using them only “when really necessary” to avoid collapse.

Regarding justified self-prescriptions, this scientific community supports this measure as it will help streamline the bureaucratic aspects of the work of primary care providers. EFE


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