Erdogan humiliates US congressman for supporting Israel

The Turkish president, Islamist Recep Tayyip Erdogan, accused the United States Congress this Friday of “Crown the Hitler of our era”, This was in reference to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to Washington, where he was praised.

“Instead of preventing genocide, we are witnessing the collapse of reason, as butchers are welcomed into the (US) Congress and “During his delusional speech he applauded her 57 times.”Erdogan said this during his speech at the HIT-30 ‘High Tech Turkiye’ event on technology held in Istanbul today.

The president also said the applause from US cameras for Netanyahu tarnished the concepts of democracy, freedom and human rights, which he believes Contempt for the “rights of the oppressed.”

The Israeli prime minister was invited to Washington by both houses of the United States Congress. Although during his speech some legislators joined the protest with T-shirts demanding a ceasefire in Gaza, Netanyahu received consistent applause, especially from the Republican caucus.

In Erdoğan’s opinion, these applauses show that “the current global system established to protect the interests of the victors of World War II is beginning to come to an end.”

In this sense, he listed the most recent international conflicts, including the civil wars in Syria and Yemen, as well as the Russian invasion of Ukraine, to defend the collapse of the international order.

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